Page 37 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 37

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                         August 2020                                        37

        It’s all about Tu B’Av!

                                                  The Hebrew word for love is aha-
                                              va. You can see in the photo a famous
                                              sculpture in Israel at the Israel Museum
                                              that is a very popular
                                              photo spot for both
                                              tourists year-round
                                              and Israelis  on  Tu
                                              B’Av. I challenge
                                              you   to   recreate
                                              a version of this
                                              sculpture. Upload your photo/draw-
                                              ing and email it to me at bleinweber@
          Education Corner          

                                                  Try this! On August 4 & 5, spread
              By Bethany Leinweber            the love of Tu B’Av! Make a phone call
                ow more than ever we are in   to someone you haven’t spoken to in a
                need of a good Jewish reason   while. Create a safe, socially distanced
        Nto spread the love. What bet-        visit. Use the craft idea below to make
        ter way than by celebrating Tu B’Av?   a  handmade  card  and  flowers.  Share
        This year, Tu B’ Av begins on Tuesday   them  with family, friends, neighbors,
        evening, August 4 and ends at sunset   first responders, doctors, nurses or se-
        on Wednesday, August 5.               niors. If you are looking for someone
            Tu B’Av, the  15  day of  Av, is   to share Tu B’Av with, email me and I
        both  an ancient and  modern holiday.   will connect you.
        Originally a post-biblical day of joy, it   and the sweet taste of honey only one
                                                  With Rosh Hashanah approaching
        served as a matchmaking day for un-
        married women. It gradually became a
                                              month  away, let’s prepare  our minds,
        Hebrew-Jewish Day of Love, slightly
                                              bodies and souls for what we can only
 we are  FED  resembling  Valentine’s  Day.  The  Ge-  pray will be a loving, sweet new year
        mara  (the  later,  interpretive  layer  of
                                              ahead! Join me on Sunday, September
        the Talmud) attempts to find the origin
                                              13 at 4:00 p.m. for a fantastic Honey
        of this date  as a special  joyous day,
                                              Tasting Event! Visit www.templesinai-
                                     for more information.
        and  offers  several  explanations.  One
                                              Bethany Leinweber is the Director of
        of them is that on this day the biblical
        gle with each other and intermarry, or
                                              the  Director  of Youth Education  at
 Educating Jewish Minds  Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts  tribes of Israel were permitted to min-  Outreach and Engagement as well as   FED
        as we say in modern times, conduct an   Temple Sinai.
        interfaith wedding.                                                                  we are
            It should be noted that  Tu B’Av,
        like several Jewish holidays (Passover,
        Sukkot,  Tu B’Shevat) begins on the
        night between the 14  and 15  day of
        the Hebrew month. This is the night of                                                        Educating Jewish Minds
        a full moon in our lunar calendar. It is
        not uncommon in ancient  cultures to
        link the night of a full moon with ro-
        mance, love and fertility.
            Tu B’Av is a popular date for Jews
        to  hold  weddings,  specifically  inter-                                        our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds throughout the Sarasota-Manatee area — from Holocaust
        faith weddings between a Jewish per-                                            Yand civil rights education to Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children and their
                                                                                        parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.  We also take great pride in educating  the interfaith
        son and someone of another faith.  In                                           community on Jewish history and anti-Semitism.
        Israel, Tu B’Av is a  true  day  of love
 READ—SING—DANCE—GATHER—GROW  as people take time out of their day, a
        lot like we do on Valentine’s Day, and                                                                     •   941.371.4546
 PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-  show others how much they are loved.
 Manatee to provide families raising Jewish children with the gift   While  it is a regular  workday, music
 of free, high-quality children’s books, music, and resources that   and dance festivals are typically held
 foster deeper engagement with Jewish life in our community.  to celebrate the day. Israelis give cards   Looking to

 Join one of our PJ programs below    and flowers to their loved ones on Tu
 to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.  B’Av. These customs are observed by               Meet Other
        all segments of Israeli society, whether
        they consider themselves  religious or
 Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years  non-religious. Though this year we will                  Jewish Families?
        not have live music or dance festivals,
        we can still spread love and kindness
        as our Torah and this holiday teach us
        to do.

 Sign-up at

 Children Ages 8 thru 12 years  RELIGIOUS SCHOOL
           SCHOLARSHIPS                       2019                                         We can make you a shidduch (a match)!

                                                                                             Our Community Connectors can’t wait to meet you!
                                                                                           Dori and MG specialize in connecting families raising Jewish
 Sign-up at                                                                        children to each other and to Jewish experiences
                                                                                                       in the Sarasota-Manatee community.

 For more information, contact    Need-based Scholarship Assistance
 Andrea Eiffert  for Sarasota and Manatee County Students
 941.552.6308  PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously   Let us help make religious school a reality for your child. Since
 funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.  2013, The Jewish Federation has funded more than $251,390 to assist 646
           children to attend religious schools in Sarasota and Manatee counties.
           Call us to learn how your child can benefit from attending a Jewish                SARASOTA COUNTY                   MANATEE COUNTY
                                                                                                 Dori Goldfarb
                                                                                                                                   MG Berman
           religious school.                                                      
 MOVING?         APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL                                         Know someone else who may be interested?
                   SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 — NO EXCEPTIONS
                                                                                                            Please contact us!
                Apply Online at
                                                                                       SPONSORED BY
 Be sure THE JEWISH NEWS follows you to your new home.  QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza
 Send your new address to Bobbi at or 941.371.4546 x0  at or 941.343.2113  JFEDSRQ.ORG/PJ

           STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 40.
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