Page 28 - Jewish News_August-2020
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28                             August 2020                                                                JEWISH INTEREST

        Joshua Nelson: “Prince of Kosher Gospel”

        By Arlene Stolnitz
                nce again, stories come  my       According  to Nelson, “We ob-     on YouTube, Nelson talks about his    the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A
                way  in  the  most  interesting   served all  the holidays,  festival  days   views in Meaning of Life. He cred-  retired educator from Rochester, New
        Omanner! If you read my article       and Shabbat.” He remembers walking    its his grandparents with his love    York,  she  has sung in  choral  groups
        last month about the Sarajevo Hagga-  to shul, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel, in   for Judaism and speaks of Hannah   for over  25 years and also sings in
        dah Musical, you will remember that   South Orange for services and Hebrew   Senesh as a role model, then sings a   The Venice  Chorale.  Her interest  in
        one of the best things to come out of   school. With a penchant for music, he   beautiful rendition of “Eli Eli.” Mc-  the preservation of Jewish music of all
                           the current pan-   attended Arts High School in Newark                                         kinds has led to this series of articles
                           demic  was my      and later spent two years living on a   Bride on the other hand, who dedi-  on Jewish Folk Music in the Diaspora.
                           discovering  the   kibbutz in Israel. He studied at Hebrew   cated  his book to his mother with   Crossword Puzzle
                           online  Forward    Union College  and Hebrew Univer-     the inscription, “A Black Man’s       Solution to puzzle on page 19
                           Book  Club. A      sity of Jerusalem. Upon his return, he   Tribute to His White Mother,” nev-
                           recent  book we    taught Hebrew School at Temple Shar-  er identified with Judaism because
                           read was Color of   ey Tefilo-Israel for many years.     of his mother’s aversion to her early
                           Water by James         Nelson’s  style, one that he calls”   experiences with the religion. With
                           McBride.   With    kosher gospel,” blends the music of   two situations that are similar, yet
                           attention  to the   American  Gospel and Jewish music    different in many ways, I could not
           Arlene Stolnitz  Black Lives Mat-  creating  a  fusion  of exciting sound.   help  but note the  comparison of
        ter movement, we read this book with   The great gospel singer, Mahalia Jack-  both  gifted  black  men,  each  with
        “a new eye.” One of the members of    son, was a huge influence on him. He   Jewish mothers  and  black  fathers,
        the group posted a video that spoke of   is equally at home singing “Mi Chamo-
        Joshua Nelson, who refers to himself   cha” in gospel style or Jackson’s “How   and how each has responded in a
        as the “Prince of Kosher Gospel.” The   I Got Over” from MLK’s Civil Rights   different way.
        book club reader thought Nelson’s mu-  Campaign  (Washington,  D.C.  1963).   Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara-
        sic was the  perfect  backdrop for our   Other  influences  on  his  style  include   sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member of
        book, especially since McBride is not   Aretha Franklin and Louis Armstrong.
        only a writer, but a composer and saxo-  He claims there is no conflict between
        phonist.                              gospel’s  Christian content and Jew-  K’zohar Ha-Ivrit
            All  of  that  sparked  my  interest   ish liturgical music. “You know black
        since the moniker “Prince of Kosher   people were not Christians coming off   Tiq-vah – Hope
        Gospel” certainly is unique!          the slave ship.”                      By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
            Here’s what I found out. Joshua       A popular entertainer, he has enter-
        Nelson was born to  a  Jewish mother   tained listeners the world over. His CD   n  these  difficult  days  of  social   (Pro.10:28).
        of Romanian descent and an African-   “Brother Moses Smote the Water” is an    unrest,  we  are  still  fighting  the   Nationally,  too,  tiq-vah  is  the
        American  father. As a young boy, he   example of how, with the Klezmatics,   Iravaging consequences of the Coro-  power behind renewal and rebuilding.
        first heard gospel music when looking   he uses gospel in his music. And then   navirus, which invaded our universe a   Yesh tiq-vah, ‘there is hope,’ declares
        through his grandmother’s record col-  there is his unique rendition of “Adon   few months ago. Throughout this time,   Jeremiah to all those who mourned the
        lection. It made a profound impression   Olam,” sung in a way you have never   we listened to the advice of health ex-  tragedy which befell the Land of Israel
        on him, and many years later he was   heard before. “I try to make music so   perts  and other  ‘mevinim’ who, with   (Jer.  31:17).  And  the  prophet  Hosea
        able to fuse his memory of that music   the  listener  will  hear  something  and   their knowledge and wisdom, hoped   echoed Joshua’s prediction  that the
        with the music of his Jewish heritage.   feel it as well.”                                    to help  us face    desolate land will become petakh tiq-
        Joshua Nelson was raised in East Oran-    So  what has this to do with                        the pandemic. And   vah, “a gate of hope” (Job 7:25; Hose
        ge,  New Jersey, by  his grandparents,   James McBride’s  Color of Water                      then, upon us rose   2:17).
        observant Jews who traced their heri-  and Joshua Nelson? Both men have                       an awful “social       The noun tiq-vah is derived from
        tage back to Senegal. They instilled in   Jewish mothers  and  black  fathers.                virus”  of injus-   the verb  le-qa-vot, which appears 47
        him a strong love for Judaism, in spite   But the family influence was quite                  tice  and  racism,   times  in the Bible  and depending  on
        of his diverse background.                                                                    which weakened      context, has several meanings. Le-qa-
                                              different for each of them. In a video                  us by increasing    vot means ‘to twist,’ ‘to stretch,’ ‘to
                                                                                                      our physical and    strain,’ ‘to wait tensely,’ ‘to endure,’
                                                                                                      emotional  chal-
                                                                                                                          ‘to expect,’ ‘to gather,’ ‘to collect’ and
               SAVE             DATE!                                               acle that in time of such accumulative   ‘to hope.’ Interestingly, the noun qav,
                                                                                       Dr. Rachel Dulin
                                                                                                      lenges. It is a mir-
                                                                                                                          meaning ‘measuring line’ (Isa 47:13),
                                                                                    distress, we are able to hear the echoes
                                                                                                                             It is not surprising that  the  verb
                                                                                    of hope. Hope is God’s gift, of strength,   is also derived from this root.
                                                                                    which arms us psychologically to fight   le-qa-vot and the noun  tiq-vah are at
                                                                                    battles and prevail.                  the center of many idioms. For ex-
                                                                                       The Hebrew word for ‘hope’ is tiq-  ample,  be-qav  ha-b’ri-ut,  literally  “in
                                                                                    vah. Many of us are familiar with the   line  of health,”  implies  the state  of
                                                                                    word  Ha-tiq-va,  meaning  ‘the  hope,’   good health (Shulkhan Arukh 6;2). It is
                                                                                    which is so appropriately the name of   probably echoing the belief that lines
                                                                                    Israel’s national  anthem.  Indeed,  tiq-  on one’s hand determine  one’s fate.
                                                                                    vah is ingrained in our Jewish collec-  M’-leh tiq-vah means ‘full of hope,’
                                                                                    tive psyche. It is not surprising that the   whereas cha-sar tiq-vah means ‘hope-
                                                                                    noun tiq-vah is repeated 32 times in the   less.’ Tiq-vah nikh-ze-vet implies ‘lost
                                                                                    Bible, mostly injecting positive and en-  hope,’ whereas ani tiq-vah means ‘I am
                                                                                    couraging thoughts in times of peril.  hopeful.’ We will end with the words
                                                                                       According to the biblical text, tiq-  of Jeremiah: yesh tiq-vah le-a-cha-ri-
                                                                                    vah is allocated to most people: poor   tekh, which literally translates to ‘there
                                                                                    (Job 5:16), foolish (Pro. 26:12), believ-  is hope for your future’ (Jer 31:17).
                                                                                    ers  (Job  14:7),  parents  (Pro.  19:18),   In these difficult moments, ani tiq-
                                                                                    those who suffer (Jer. 29:11), those who   vah. I am hopeful that the words of the
                                                                                    build  the  land  (Josh  2:17)  and  those   Israeli national anthem continue reso-
                                                                                    who plant trees (Job 14:7). Throughout   nating in our minds assuring us  that
                                                                                    the Bible, the writers declared that tiq-  od lo avdah tiq-va-tey-nu, namely, ‘we
                F          ederation                                                renews faith (Job 6:8). In short, as the   of qav ha-bri-ut and not to lose the tiq-
                                                                                                                          have not lost our hope.’
                                                                                    vah uplifts the spirit (Prov 23:18) and
                                                                                                                             I wish all our readers the blessing
                                                                                    writer  of Job observed, “you will  be
                                                                                    secure, for there is hope” (Job 11:18).
                                                                                                                          vah that we will see qav or, ‘a line of
                                                                                       From this perspective tiq-vah helps
                                                                                                                          light’ at the end of this dark tunnel.
                    C          elebration                                           us to recover in time of adversity, re-  Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
                                                                                    conquering  our self-respect.  It is not
                                                                                                                          of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
                                                                                    surprising therefore that, on the other
                                                                                                                          lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
                                                                                    hand, the Wisdom writer observed that
                                                                                                                          College in Sarasota.
                                                                                    the  wicked  is devoid  of  tiq-vah (Pro.   professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
                                                                                    11:23)  and  thereby  doomed  to  fail
                     Sunday, November 8, 2020

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