Page 26 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 26

26                             August 2020                                                                JEWISH INTEREST

        Romania’s anguish, August 1940                                                                                                                      Stars of David

        By Paul R. Bartrop, PhD                                                                                                                             By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
              he  Holocaust  in  Romania  was   political and economic life.        considered Christian only if his or her   ing Romania.  Throughout the year  Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish
              an absolute calamity  for the       The  August 8, 1940, law placed   parents had converted prior to the birth   1940, the country was forced to cede  for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
        Tcountry’s Jews. On July 4, 1940,     Jews  into  three  categories.  The  first   of the child.                  large portions of its territory to the So- ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
        King Carol II appointed a pro-Nazi,   category  included  Jews who had  en-    On September 5, 1940, soon af-     viet Union, Hungary and Bulgaria. On  with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are
        Ion Gigurtu,  to head  the  government   tered  Romania  after  December  30,   ter the introduction of these laws, Ion   September  6, 1940, the day after the  also identified as Jewish.
        and declared an amnesty for Romania’s   1918. These Jews were subject to ma-  Gigurtu  resigned  as Prime  Minister,   resignation of the Gigurtu government,  Some July Catch-Up, Diggs Does
        fascist Iron Guard movement. Eighty   jor restrictions in all aspects of life.  and although persecution  in Romania   King Carol II was forced from his  Douglass, and Baseball(!)
                        years ago, on August      The second category was com-      took  place  quickly  as a  result  of the   throne. He was replaced by Michael,  Palm Springs, a comedy starring
                        8, 1940, Gigurtu in-  prised of Jews who had been natural-  August laws, violence against Jews in-  his 19-year-old son, who would remain  ANDY SAMBERG, 41, got great re-
                        troduced  harsh anti-  ized before December 30, 1918; who   creased dramatically once his replace-  a figurehead leader until 1944.  views at the 2020 Sundance Festival.
                        Semitic  legislation   had  served in  the  army  in  either  the   ment, Marshal Ion Antonescu and the   The territorial losses were partly to  Hulu bought the rights to stream it af-
                        which framed  what    1877-1878 war of independence  or     Iron Guard movement, took control of   blame for this upheaval, but an increas- ter a theater opening. But COVID-19
                        the legal status of   World War I; were war orphans; and    the country. Army and police person-  ingly fascist-oriented  Romania could  intervened, and it began streaming on
                        Jews would be from    descendants of the excepted categories   nel began assaulting and killing Jews.   not for long remain  outside  the  orbit  Hulu on July 10. Here’s the “Ground
                        then on. Signed by    of Jews. Jews in these categories, how-  They also vandalized, robbed or seized   of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. All
          Dr. Paul Bartrop  King Carol II, it was   ever, were not considered to be part of   Jewish-owned businesses. The anti-Se-  that remained was for Antonescu to set  Hog Day-like” plot: Nyles (Samberg)
        drafted by Gigurtu and I.V. Gruia, Min-  the national community, and they were   mitic legislation set in place in August   his country on a formal footing along- and Sarah (Christin Milioti) meet at a
                                                                                                                                                            wedding and hit it off. The downside
        ister of Justice and a law professor at   subject to restrictions on owning prop-  began to take immediate effect.  side the two larger totalitarian  states.  is that they are trapped in a time loop
        the University of Bucharest.          erty in rural areas and in qualifying for   By January  2, 1941, a  full-scale   With this in mind, he wasted little time  and have to live the day of the wedding
            This law excluded Jews from many   public service jobs.                 pogrom took place  in  Bucharest.  On   aligning  Romania  with Germany and  over and over. Oscar-nominee  JUNE
        of the benefits of citizenship granted to   Most Jews in Romania fell into the   this most horrific occasion, 200 of Bu-  Italy. Romania formally joined the  SQUIBB, 90, has a small  role  as a
        them  by the  1923 Constitution.  It  le-  third category.  These were the Jews   charest’s most distinguished  men  and   Axis alliance on November 23, 1940.  grandma attending the wedding.
        gally and politically distinguished be-  who had become  citizens  after  1919.   women  were  taken  to  the  abattoir  on   The year 1940 was replete  with   Over on HBO, the  documentary
        tween “Romanians by blood” (romani    Jews in the first and the third catego-  the edge of the city, stripped, forced   opportunities for states to descend into  Showbiz  Kids  premiered  on  July  14.
        de sange) and “Romanian citizens,”    ries were prohibited from taking public   to kneel on all fours, and put through   the quagmire of massive human rights  HBO  publicity  says:  “[It]  peels  back
        thereby  emphasizing  the  significance   service jobs, buying property, pursuing   all stages of animal slaughter until the   violations,  anti-Semitism  and geno- Hollywood’s velvet  curtain, shining
        of “blood” and “race” to the nation and   military careers, becoming lawyers or   beheaded bodies, spurting blood, were   cide. Romania was one country among  a spotlight on the glamour and allure
        state. Accordingly, it stated, “The con-  notaries public, being appointed mem-  hung on iron hooks on the wall.  many unable to resist the totalitarian  of working in the entertainment  in-
        cept of the nation can now be construed   bers of a corporate board, and owning   Antonescu’s position was clearly   temptation, as we know and remember,  dustry, while also affording a sobering
        less as a legal or political community   businesses in rural areas, liquor stores,   outlined as soon as he assumed office:   to our sorrow.        window on the tolls that early success
        and more as an organic, cultural com-  movie  theaters, publishing houses,   “The  program  I will  submit  to  your   Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of His- can take on young professionals.” In-
        munity based on the law of blood, from   publications and Romanian media out-  collective  judgment is rooted entirely   tory and the Director of the Center for  terviewees include MARA WILSON,
        which an entire hierarchy of political   lets.                              in the tenets of integral nationalism.”   Holocaust and Genocide Research at  32, and EVAN RACHEL WOOD, 32.
        rights  emerges;  for the  law  of blood   Moreover, all Jews were prohibit-  This term, “integral nationalism,”   Florida Gulf Coast University. He can  Both are the children of Jewish moth-
        contains all cultural, spiritual and ethi-  ed from taking Romanian names, while   meant  intolerance  of ethnic  pluralism   be reached at  ers and non-Jewish fathers. Both were
        cal opportunities.”                   the Jewish religion was not considered   and the elimination  of “foreigners,”                                raised  Jewish.  Wilson’s  first  big  role
            Further, the law  stated that “the   to be part of Romania’s religious and   especially Jews, from all areas of Ro-  Need to reach              was in  Mrs.  Doubtfire (she was six).
        defense of Romanian blood constitutes   spiritual community. Like the Nurem-  manian society. This, in turn, was the                                She also starred in  Matilda. Wood’s
        the moral guarantee for the acknowl-  berg Laws in Nazi Germany, Jews were   bedrock upon which he rested his poli-    the editor of                breakthrough role was in the film Thir-
        edgement of supreme political rights.”   now  defined  through  a  merger  of  the   cy of “Romanianization.” Enforcement                           teen. She was 15 when it opened.
        These “laws of blood” referred to ethi-  dual  criteria  of  ritual  and  ancestry:  a   of this legislation, it was held, would   The Jewish News?    The documentary’s director is
        cal,  spiritual  and  cultural  character-  person was considered to be a Jew if he   end the “domination”  of the “foreign                         ALEX WINTER, 54. He began as a
        istics, rather than anything physical.   or she practiced Judaism or was born   plague” of Jews in Romanian econom-  Send an email to               child actor and is best remembered as
        The law would now  regulate the le-   to parents of the Jewish faith, even if   ic life.                                                            “Bill” in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adven-
        gal status of Jews in Romania regard-  that person had converted  to Chris-    While  all  this was being  played         ture  (1989)  and  its  1991  film  sequel.
        ing  their  participation  in  religious,     tianity or was an atheist. One could be   out, other developments were impact-                        Born in the U.K., he was raised in the

                                                                                      Voices of the


                                                                                          Holocaust, Genocide                    Inspiring Speakers:

                                                                                      and Tolerance Education

                                                                                                                                   GEORGE ERDSTEIN
                                                                                                                                      RIFKA GLATZ

                                                                                                                                     HELGA MELMED
                                                                                                                                    DAVID MILBERG

                                                                                                                                     GINETTE HERSH

                                                                                       1,912 Sarasota-Manatee

                                                                                       students learned about
                                                                                       the Holocaust from
                                                                                       survivors last year                       #NEVERFORGET

                                                                                      Listening to your heart-wrenching story, I started
                                                                                      to tear up. Your story of survival moved me and

                                                                                      I will remember you for the rest of my life.
                                                                                      –North Port high School StudeNt

                                                                                      History is not just about events,

                                                                                      it is about human lives.

                                                                                      Learn what “Never Forget” means, before it is too late.
                                                                                      Invite a Holocaust survivor to your school, synagogue or library.

                                                                                      To book a speaker contact Anne Stein
                                                                                      Holocaust Speakers Bureau Coordinator •


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