Page 23 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 23

JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                      August 2020                                        23


                  MONDAY, AUGUST 10                                                  DIANE LAWSON, CCIM
                                                                                     COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES
                  Religions of the World with Dr. Steven Derfler
            Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                                                 Part of only 6% of brokers who
            This six-week course that explores Religions of the World with Dr. Steven                               have earned their CCIM
            Derfler continues with “Hinduism.” Classes take place on Mondays from                                   designation
            10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The program ends on September 14. No class will
            be offered on September 7 in observation of Labor Day. The series cost                                 30+ years of experience in
            is $18. To register for this Zoom series, please visit                              commercial real estate in the
            For more information, contact Jeremy Lisitza at or                                 Sarasota/Bradenton area

                      “Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust”                                                         Specializing in sales, leasing and
            While the world stood mostly silent, the Bergson Group took it upon itself,                             tenant representation of retail,
            beginning as early as 1942, to publicize the Nazi mass murders of Jews,   Senior Investment Advisor     office, and industrial
            holding rallies with national celebrities, lobbying Congress for the U.S. to   M: 941.780.6136
            save Jews from the Nazis, and taking out full-page newspaper advertise-   E:              CALL OR EMAIL
            ments nationwide. One ad read, “70,000 Jews for sale for $50 each, includ-    1626 Ringling Blvd., Suite 500
            ing all transportation expenses,” seeking to rescue Romanian Jews after   Sarasota, FL 34236                     FOR ANY OF
            100,000 had been killed in two years. This class, presented by the Al Katz                                     YOUR PROPERTY
            Center, begins at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month                                           NEEDS!
            for all classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly
            Newman at 941.313.9239.


                  TUESDAY, AUGUST 11
                           Heller CRC: The Israel Series
                            with Ken Stein (Part Three)                                                        Excellence in foot and
            Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                    Richard Berkun, DPM  Robert Katz, DPM  ankle care by 8 highly
            Join us at 7:00 p.m. for part three of this series: “The Unfinished 1967 War                       trained doctors.
            – How did it change Middle Eastern, Israeli and Jewish histories?” To reg-
            ister for this Zoom series, please visit For more infor-                        Foot & Ankle Care for the Whole Family
            mation, contact Jessi Sheslow at or 941.343.2109.
                                                                                                                Same Day Appointments  |  Friendly Staff / en Español
                                                                                      Philip Baldinger, DPM  Garrett Harte, DPM
               WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12
               WEDNESD           A Y ,   A UGUST      1 2                                                       3 Convenient Locations

                 Broadway to Boogie-Woogie to The Beatles                                        Michelle Emery, DPM  941.360.9300
                     Featuring Brian Gurl & Carlann Evans                             Noelis Rosario, DPM       BRADENTON
            Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                                              941.758.8818
            Brian Gurl combines forces with his partner of over 10 years – Carlann                              941.776.5199
            Evans from the Sarasota Orchestra. Together, they perform an array of clas-
            sic melodies, jazz and Americana that includes “Sweet Georgia Brown,”     Shawniece Boss, DPM  Loyd Tomlinson, DPM
            a Phantom of the Opera medley, and tunes from Schindler’s List and Fid-
            dler on the Roof. To register for this virtual event, which begins at 7:30
            p.m., visit Tickets are $15 per household (unless you
            are a Summer Concert Series Passholder, which is $36 for all three shows).
            For more information, contact Trudi Krames at or

                             “Roosevelt and the Jews”

            In the second part of this four-part series on the landmark new book, The
            Jews Should Keep Quiet, by Rafael Medoff, President Roosevelt’s rela-
            tionship with Rabbi Stephen Wise, the head of five major Jewish organiza-
            tions, is examined. While Roosevelt purported to be responsive to Rabbi
            Wise, research establishes that Roosevelt used Rabbi Wise in order to keep
            America’s Jews quiet regarding the plight of their European brethren fac-          Community  Celebration
            ing genocide. This class, presented by the Al Katz Center, begins at 11:00
            a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all classes. To                        A virtual evening to thank, honor
            RSVP and receive the Zoom link, call Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.                           and celebrate legacy donors
                                                                                                   and partnering LIFE & LEGACY organizations.
               An Evening of Virtual Magic and Mind-Reading
            Temple Emanu-El proudly presents an evening of virtual magic and mind-                         SAVE THE DATE
            reading with acclaimed New York-area magician and mentalist Jason Sil-
            berman! Described as one of the Tri-State’s go-to performers, Jason has                  Thursday, November 12, 7:00 pm
            created magic for L’Oreal, NBC and even Broadway. The virtual show                                    via Zoom
            is an interactive experience that you watch but will also be a part of as
            there is participation throughout. Magic and mind-reading happen not only                         Guest Speaker
            onscreen, but also in your home! All are invited at 7:00 p.m. to this free
            event. Please register for this free event at or call                  Rabbi Daniel Cohen
            941.371.2788 to receive the private Zoom link.                                                           author of
                                                                                                          “What Will They Say About You When You Are
                       Israel Update with Harold Halpern                                                      Gone - Creating a Life of Legacy”

            There  is  lots  of  news  coming  out  of  Israel:  the  politics  of  annexation,
            potential  threats from Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, the
            threat from an Iranian presence in Syria, COVID-19, and all the political
            intrigues going on in a new unity government. Stay connected and get the
            latest from our columnist Harold Halpern on the situation in Israel. This
            free Temple Beth Sholom event begins at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. To register,
            visit For more information, call the                          Sarasota-Manatee
            temple office at 941.955.8121 or email

                                                                                                                       T E M P L E   B E T H   I S R A E L
             STAY CONNECTED                        STAY CONNECTED

                                                                                                Contact Gisele Pintchuck
                                                                                               941.707.0029 or

                                                                                               Event Chair:
                                                                                               Nelle S. Miller


 Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.   Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates. 
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