Page 27 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 27

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                        August 2020                                        27

        Stars of David                                                                        Interested in Your

        By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
        Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish              Family’s History?
        for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
        ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
        with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
        also identified as Jewish.                                                    years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                      when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
        Some July Catch-Up, Diggs Does        States by his American Jewish mother.   full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
        Douglass, and Baseball(!)             As an adult, he’s had more success as   with a limited search of one family line.
        Palm Springs, a comedy starring       a documentary  maker  than as an ac-
        ANDY SAMBERG, 41, got great re-       tor. However, he’ll  hit  the big screen                So here’s the deal:
        views at the 2020 Sundance Festival.   again on Friday, August 28 when an-
        Hulu bought the rights to stream it af-  other sequel, Bill & Ted Face the Mu-  Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
        ter a theater opening. But COVID-19   sic, is released. Original co-star Keanu   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
        intervened, and it began streaming on   Reeves reprises his “Ted” role. Right
        Hulu on July 10. Here’s the “Ground   now, a theater release is scheduled, but   goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
        Hog Day-like” plot: Nyles (Samberg)   I’m guessing it will be on video-on-    The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
        and Sarah (Christin Milioti) meet at a   demand very quickly.
        wedding and hit it off. The downside      The  eight-episode HBO series       several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
        is that they are trapped in a time loop   Perry Mason began on June 21 and    friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
        and have to live the day of the wedding   concludes on Sunday, August 9. New   great for them. So contact him about this as well.
        over and over. Oscar-nominee  JUNE    episodes stream Sundays. It’s set in
        SQUIBB, 90, has a small  role  as a   Los  Angeles during the nadir of the
        grandma attending the wedding.        Great Depression (1932). Mason (Mat-     The  series focus is a famous but   BREGMAN, 26, third baseman, Hous-
            Over on HBO, the  documentary     thew Rhys) is not yet an attorney. He’s   unsuccessful  raid  (1859) on a  U.S.   ton Astros; MAX FRIED, 26, pitcher
        Showbiz  Kids  premiered  on  July  14.   a private  investigator  scrambling  to   Army weapons depot in Virginia that   (starting),  Atlanta  Braves;  KEVIN
        HBO  publicity  says:  “[It]  peels  back   make  a living. Reviews range from   was led  by  abolitionist  John Brown.   PILLAR, 31, right fielder, Boston Red
        Hollywood’s velvet  curtain, shining   very good to mixed (I like it). JUSTIN   Brown intended to arm runaway slaves   Sox; and ROWDY TELLEZ, 25, des-
        a spotlight on the glamour and allure   KIRK, 51, shows up midway in the    and foster a rebellion that would has-  ignated hitter, Toronto Blue Jays.
        of working in the entertainment  in-  series as attorney Hamilton Burger,   ten the end of slavery. Douglass joined   Three 2019 major league play-
        dustry, while also affording a sobering   whom longtime  Mason fans know    some other leading abolitionists in se-  ers  aren’t  on  a  roster  for  the  special
        window on the tolls that early success   as Mason’s courtroom opponent. In   cretly financing the raid. They had lost   season:  JOC PEDERSON, 27, a
        can take on young professionals.” In-  the HBO series, Burger actually aids   patience with more peaceful means of   hard-hitting  Los  Angeles Dodgers
        terviewees include MARA WILSON,       Mason. (Kirk’s mother  is Jewish and   ending  slavery.  WYATT RUSSELL,     outfielder,  is  still  recovering  from  a
        32, and EVAN RACHEL WOOD, 32.         he co-starred as the  Jewish character   33, appears as J.E.B. Stuart, an Ameri-  hip injury;  ROBERT STOCK, 30, a
        Both are the children of Jewish moth-  Andy Botwin in the Showtime series   can Army  officer  who  fought  Brown   Philadelphia Phillies pitcher, who had
        ers and non-Jewish fathers. Both were   Weeds.)                             and later became a famous Confederate   a bad year in 2019; and  GARRETT
        raised  Jewish.  Wilson’s  first  big  role   On Sunday,  August 9,  Showtime   General. Russell’s mother is GOLDIE   STUBBS, 27, a 2019 Houston Astros
        was in  Mrs.  Doubtfire (she was six).   will premiere a major mini-series en-  HAWN, 74.                         rookie, who is a back-up catcher and
        She also starred in  Matilda. Wood’s   titled The Good Lord Bird. It co-stars   The Tribe on the Diamond          won’t be needed during a very short
        breakthrough role was in the film Thir-  Hamilton star DAVEED DIGGS, 38,    (For a Limited Time!)                 season.  Also:  GABE KAPLER, 44,
        teen. She was 15 when it opened.      who plays famous  African-American    The special 60-game baseball season   once a pretty good player, begins his
            The documentary’s director is     leader Frederick Douglass (1818-1895).   began on July 23. As I write this (July   first  season  managing  the  San  Fran-
        ALEX WINTER, 54. He began as a        Douglass was a remarkable man – born   10), the following Jewish players are   cisco  Giants.  Philadelphia  fired  him
        child actor and is best remembered as   a slave, he secretly  taught himself to   on a major league roster: RICHARD   after he managed them for two seasons
        “Bill” in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adven-  read and write, and escaped North to   BLEIER, 32, relief pitcher, Baltimore   (2018-2019). Kapler  was let go even
        ture  (1989)  and  its  1991  film  sequel.   freedom in 1838. His eloquent memoir   Orioles;  RYAN  BRAUN, 36, right   though the Phillies played .500 ball in
        Born in the U.K., he was raised in the   moved many to embrace abolition.   fielder,  Milwaukee  Brewers;  ALEX   2019 (their best season since 2012).

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