Page 30 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 30

30                             August 2020                                        ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

                                                                                           BRIEFS                                                                  BRIEFS

                                              POLLING SHOWS ANTI-                   unemployment  has passed 40%, and     deep inside enemy territory and evade  continued from previous page
                                              ISRAEL POSITIONS OF                   there is a general expectation of a Hez-  advanced missile defense systems.  including three women, got their wings
                                              U.S. YOUTH FADE WITH AGE              bollah  takeover.  The  Turkish lira  has   The plane operates a massive ar- on Thursday, June 25.
                                              The  18-35  demographic  surveyed  in   fallen again, and President Erdogan’s   ray of sensors and the most advanced   Of the  600 cadets  who pass the
                                              U.S. polls is traditionally the least sup-  popularity is in sharp decline. It is al-  electronic warfare capabilities ever put  preliminary tests, only 30-40 will suc-
                                              portive  of Israel. Moreover, they  are   most certain  that  Turkey’s economic   on an aircraft, and it is capable of inter- cessfully complete the course. Course
                                              being educated  on college  campuses   problems will have a significant influ-    cepting airborne threats such as cruise  graduates receive a bachelor’s degree
                                                                                    ence on its intervention  in Syria and
                                                                                                                          missiles. (Anna Ahronheim, Jerusalem
                                                                                                                                                            from Ben-Gurion University and the
                                              where they  are exposed to a steady
             EASY                             drumbeat of anti-Israel propaganda.   pushed to the sidelines. One sees more   JERUSALEM’S CHANGING           rank of lieutenant. th
                                                                                       The Palestinian  issue has been
                                                                                                                                                               The graduation ceremony will take
                                                  The annual Gallup Poll on Ameri-
                                                                                                                                                            place  on the  100  anniversary  of the
                                              can attitudes toward Israel found that
                                                                                    and more people – mainly  on social
                                                                                                                                                            establishment  of the Jewish  Defense
                                              support for Israel is weakest among
                                                                                                                          AN OVERVIEW
                                                                                    media – saying openly that they no lon-
                                                                                                                                                            Organizations  – armed  militia  groups
           STEPS                              that age group, while support for Pal-  ger care about the “Palestinian cause.”   The Jerusalem Statistical  Yearbook,  that  included  the Haganah, Palmach,
                                              estinians is strongest.
                                                                                    The Arabic hashtag “Palestine is not
                                                                                                                          published  by the  Jerusalem  Institute  Lehi,  Etzel  [Irgun]  and  others  which
                                                  These findings are consistent with
                                                                                    my problem” has spread all over social
                                                                                                                          for Policy Research, provides the lat-protected  Jews  before the establish-
                                              the findings of Gallup Polls going back
                                                                                    media, though many oppose it.
                                                                                                                          est picture of Jerusalem’s demographic  ment of the State of Israel.
                                              to 1997, where the youngest age group
                                                                                       Every state  in the region stands
                                                                                                                             At the end of 2018, 919,400 people  dechai Raflowitz, an Etzel fighter and
                                              Israel and the most supportive of Pal-
            How To Stay                       surveyed proved the least supportive of   alone in its struggle against the virus   mosaic.                      The course graduates invited Mor-
                                                                                    and its ramifications. No one speaks of
                                                                                                                          lived  in  Jerusalem,  twice  the popula-grandfather of one of the graduates, to
                                                                                    an Arab – let alone an Islamic – frater-
                                                                                                                          tion of Tel Aviv and 10% of Israel’s to-visit the flight school.
                                                  However, those 18-year-olds in
              Up-To-Date                      1997 – when only 36% said they sup-   nity or solidarity, ideas that have been   tal population. They included 569,800   “When I fought in the Irgun ranks
                                                                                    revealed once again as hollow rhetori-
                                                                                                                          Jews (62%) and 349,600 Arabs (38%  as a  Holocaust  survivor, the rosiest
                                              ported Israel – are now 41. Gallup re-
                 On Your                      ports that 61% of 35- to 54-year-olds   cal slogans. (Col. (res.) Dr. Dan Got-  – of whom 96% were Muslims and 4%  future I dreamed of was the establish-
                                                                                    tlieb and Lt.-Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai
                                                                                                                                                            ment of the state. Now, my grand-
                                              say their sympathies are more with Is-
                                                                                    Kedar, Begin-Sadat Center for Strate-
                                                                                                                             The birthrate among the Jewish  daughter will receive her pilot’s wings,
                   Jewish                     rael, while only 19% say they favored   gic Studies - Bar-Ilan University)  population in Jerusalem at 29.2 (births  and I feel that my heart cannot contain
                                              the Palestinians.  (Herb Keinon,  Jeru-
                                                                                                                          per thousand residents) was higher than  my  joy  and  pride,”  Raflowitz  said  of
             Community                        salem Post)                           MORE F-35 STEALTH                     that of the Arab population at 24.9.  his granddaughter, Lt. Y. (Anna Ahron-
                                                                                    FIGHTER JETS HEADED
                                              CORONAVIRUS AND
                                                                                                                             For many  years  (1967-2011), the  heim, Jerusalem Post)
                                                                                    TO ISRAEL
                                                                                                                          birthrate of the Arab population in Je-
           1       STEP ONE                   THE MIDDLE EAST                       Four F-35i Adir stealth fighter jets will   rusalem  was higher, but beginning  in  FREEING TERRORISTS
                                              The collateral damage of the pandemic
                                                                                                                                                            LEADS TO MORE VICTIMS
                                                                                                                          2012 the trend was reversed.
                                                                                    land in Israel in August, with another
                                              will be extremely meaningful  for the
                                                                                    three arriving in November, bringing
                                                                                                                             The decline in the birthrate among  According  to  estimates  from  Israel’s
                                              Middle East beyond the direct medical
             Hourly                           implications. The sharp fall in oil pric-  the total to 27 out of the 50 on order   the Arab population is associated with  defense and security establishment,
                                                                                    from the U.S.
                                                                                                                          an increase in the level  of education  about half of the 14,000 terrorists
                                              es resulting from reduced demand has
             Social Media: While we don’t always   badly hit the economies of oil-produc-  One of the planes will be an ex-  and increased participation of women  whom Israel granted early release over
             post hourly, we do post often. What do we                              perimental F-35i that will act as a test   in the labor force.          the past 35 years resumed their terrorist
             post? Time-sensitive news, alerts, items of   ing Arab countries. Countries that rely   bed for integrating unique Israeli tech-  The overall fertility rate of Jewish  activity. Many of the 1,027 who were
             interest, and more. Follow us on Facebook,   heavily on tourism (Egypt, Turkey, Tu-  nology.                 women in Jerusalem was 4.4 children,  freed  in exchange  for captive  soldier
             Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more!    nisia, Morocco, Jordan and, to a lesser
                                                                                       The Israel Air Force (IAF) has used
             Find us by searching for “JFEDSRQ.”  extent,  Israel)  have  suffered  severely   the stealth fighter on operational mis-  compared with 3.1 children among  Gilad  Shalit  also went on to commit
                                                                                                                          Arab women. (Nadav Shragai, Institute  more attacks.  Hundreds of Israelis
                                              from the total halt in visitors.
            2      STEP TWO                   region has been challenged because of   sions since 2018. “The IAF knows how   for Contemporary Affairs - Jerusalem  have been murdered and 3,500 wound-
                                                  Government credibility all over the
                                                                                                                          Center for Public Affairs)
                                                                                    to use the planes unlike any other air
                                                                                                                                                            ed in attacks committed by these for-
                                                                                    force,” said a source in the Air Force.
                                                                                                                                                            mer prisoners.
                                              suspiciously  low  official  figures  on
                                              Coronavirus victims.  In Lebanon,        The jets can operate  undetected   U.S. ARMY TO RECEIVE                 Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch,
             Daily                                                                                   FIRST ISRAELI-MADE                who until four years ago served as the
             Whether you’re on your                                                                                       AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM                IDF’s chief  military  prosecutor for
             desktop, laptop or smartphone, the Fed-                                                                      IN DECEMBER                       Judea and Samaria, said, “The terror-
             eration website, has everything above and                                                                    Two Israeli-made  Iron Dome air  de- ists you release today will sooner or
             below (and more) right at your fingertips.                                                                   fense batteries are scheduled to arrive  later return to murdering Jews. A lot
             Keep our event calendars in your bookmarks                                                                   in December 2020 and February 2021  of the freed terrorists are out there in
             bar for event information in a click.                        PRESENTS                                        at the  White Sands  Missile Range in  Gaza or the world, committing terror-
            3      STEP THREE                        ISRAEL SERIES                                                        New Mexico to undergo an equipment  ism, leading terrorist  activity  and up
                                                                                                                                                            to their necks in terrorism. The entire
                                                                                                                          fielding  and  training  program,  said
                                                                                                                                                            chain of command of Hamas in Gaza,
                                                                                                                          Brig.-Gen. Brian Gibson.
                                                                                                                             The  rigorous testing  of each sys-
                                                                                                                                                            of terrorists  released  in the  Shalit
             Weekly                                                WITH KEN STEIN                                         tem  will  end  with  a  live-fire  engage- and  this is well  known, is comprised
             Federation Eblast: Receive timely                                                           $ 18             ment to shoot down a surrogate cruise  deal.”
             Federation news, topics, and more, in                                                      ENTIRE            missile target.                      The Jibril Deal of 1985 freed 1,150
             your email every Friday                                                                     SERIES              After this, the Iron Dome batteries  terrorists  who became  the  backbone
                                                                               earn from
             by subscribing to the                                       L                                                will be available  for operational  de- of the First Intifada.  According to a
             weekly newsletter, the                                       Ken Stein, President                            ployment.
             Federation eBlast.                                           of The Center for Israel                           The Iron Dome system is a battle-
           4       STEP FOUR                                              Education, as he takes us                       proven, highly  accurate  weapon and
                                                                                                                          for years it has helped  safeguard lo-
                                                                                                                          cations around Israel from rocket fire.
                                                                          through important topics
                                                                          related to modern Israel                        (Thomas Brading, U.S.  Army News
             Monthly             75 th  Annive  sa   y of Libe  atio                                                      Service)
             The Jewish News:                                     Celebrating        Years  P U B L I S H E D   B Y See more on pages 20–21  and Jewish history.  ISRAEL AIR FORCE
                                FEDERATION NEWS
                                Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
                                       The Jewish
             The publication that brings the   INSIDE THIS ISSUE:  FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE
                                       OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
                                       THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                 16A  Community Focus
                               January 2020 - Tevet/Shevat 5780                Volume 50, Number 1
                                 26A  Jewish Interest
                                  2020: Join us as we TRANSFORM
                                 32A  Commentary
                                  our Jewish Federation
                                 36A  Focus on Youth  and Howard Tevlowitz, Chief Executive Officer                       CADETS, INCLUDING
                                 39A  Life Cycle
             Jewish community right to        1B  Jewish Happenings ILife will begin a tremendous trans-  ‹ ‹  Learning and building community   ‹ Cultural arts, food and programming  JULY 28
                                  By Randon Carvel, President; Kim Mullins, Chief Operating Officer;
                                  n 2020, The Larry & Mary Green-
                                  spon  Family  Campus  for  Jewish
                                  formation. Our recent Jewish commu-
                                      Offering formal K-8 Jewish educa-
                                       communities in an inclusive, wel-
                                     tion and engagement for our area’s
                                       coming environment
                                  nity  study,  showing  that  our  Jewish
                                    Schiff Community Day School
                                     youth, with our partner, Hershorin
                                  population has doubled in the last 18
                                 years,  presents  The  Jewish  Federa-
                                         Producing innovative, quality pro-
                                 tion of Sarasota-Manatee with huge
                                      Educating  our  community  about
                                       gramming for “babies to bubbies”
                                    vocacy  against  anti-Semitism,  in
                                 cultural  arts  partnerships,  programs
                                 3A  opportunities  for  growth  in  outreach,   diversity,  the  Holocaust  and  ad-  ‹ ‹   Providing  affordable  communal
                                       meeting space and catering services
                                 for  families  and  so  much  more.  Our
                                    the Robert and Esther Heller Israel
                               Sarasota’s Blumenthal family:    Jews, more options for engaging with   ‹    Continuing to act as a community     Bringing  the  best  Jewish  thought   THREE WOMEN, TO GET
                                 community  members  expressed  their
             your door every month with   like-minded individuals, and thought-  with  the  Jewish  and  non-Jewish   continued on page 2A
                                       leaders  and  entertainment  from
                                 desire for greater connections to other
                                       Manatee area
                                    convener,  building  relationships
                                       around the world to the Sarasota-
                               Building for a better tomorrow
                                 provoking, innovative educational pro-
                                 grams.  Our  centrally  located  32-acre
                                 campus on McIntosh Road will serve
                                 as the hub for many of these offerings.
                                 However, in order to meet the demand,
                                 a complete renovation is in order.
                                 Space  will  be  flexible,  allowing
                              Save the date for Federation’s  8A  Federation to respond quickly to com-
                                 munity  needs.  No  membership  is  re-
                              annual Jewish Film Festival  quired. Federation will remain nimble
             news, events, and more.  Get   11A  Jewish Federation announces    ISRAEL EDUCATION IN NORTH AMERICA —       THEIR WINGS
                                 with  a  pay-for-service  model  focused
                                 on the following areas:
                                 By Gayle Guynup
                                 2020 Board of Directors
                                 he Jewish Federation of Sara-
                                 sota-Manatee’s  Board  of  Di-
                                   on our incredible re-imagined 32-acre
                              Namesake Israel Center donors   Trectors  approved  its  new  slate
                              Robert and Esther Heller
                              honored by Federation
                                   campus and by bringing Federation to
                                   them throughout our two-  other Jewish organizations valuable in-
                                 of  officers  for  2020  at  its  December
                                   county area.”
                                 the new president of the board.
                                 meeting. Randon Carvel will serve as
             your FREE subscription today!  The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life  nomic  gains  most  of  our  community   campaign required to fund the project.  Randon Carvel Ritter,  Immediate  Past  President;  Ian   On campus and in the community. How did we reach    Forty Israel  Air Force cadets from
                                      formation about the needs and wants of
                                    Past President Michael
                                   Ritter  noted,  “During  the
                                 “My  goals  as  the  new  president
                                       our community members.
                                 will  include  continuing  to  raise  valu-
                                   last two years, through the
                                       “Our  new  President,
                                 able resources in order to provide for
                                 those members of our community who
                                       very  involved  with  Fed-
                                   hard work of our talented
                                       Randon  Carvel,  has  been
                                       eration  for  several  years
                                   staff  and  lay  leadership,
                                 still have real needs in spite of the eco-
                                   we’ve  made  great  prog-
                                       and understands our orga-
                                       nization and its challenges.
                                   ress  toward  realizing  our
                                has experienced,” Carvel said. “In light
                              Temple Sinai Religious School
                                   vision of redeveloping our
                                of  the  amazing  growth  of  our  local
                                       I  am  very  confident  that
                                       Randon is up to this chal-
                              students enjoy Hawaiian Luau
                                   32-acre  campus,  as  well
                                Jewish community, now with approxi-
                              and Scavenger Hunt
            5      STEP FIVE            Repairs t Jewelry      Appraisals   Repairs ▼ Jewelry   Appraisals Located in Lakewood Ranch   & Bands ▼ Pearl   Re-string      Re-string      Battery    & Bands t Pearl  this moment? What is it and what can Israel education be?   the three-year, intensive flight course,
                                mately 35,000 people living in Jewish
                                   as  successfully  launching  our  capital
                                       lenge  and  will  do  a  great
                                households,  we  hope  to  engage  them
                                   We also completed our first communi-
                                      Other officers will include Michael
                                in  even  more  meaningful  ways  both
                                   ty-wide population study in 18 years,
                              A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                              Annual voluntary subscription: $25
                              Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                                  NON-PROFIT ORG.
                                   which will provide the Federation and
                                      Black,  Vice-President  Campus  Utili-
                                  U.S. POSTAGE
                                   ▼ Fine
                                      zation; Merrill Wynne, Vice-President
                                   t Fine
                                       continued on page 2A
                                  MANASOTA FL
                                       ▼ Watch
                                       t Watch
                                   t Expert
                                  PERMIT 167
                                   ▼ Expert

                                       t Buying Gold
                                    Located in Lakewood Ranch
                                                                                                                                       continued on next page
                                                     AUGUST 4
                                                     THE MAKING OF THE JEWISH STATE — From Balfour
             Yearly                                  to Trump — State-Seeking, State-Making and State-Keeping                        STAY

             ShalomSRQ:                              AUGUST 11
             Your resource guide to                                                                                         CONNECTED
             everything Jewish in                    THE UNFINISHED 1967 WAR — How did it change
             Sarasota-Manatee. Keep it on hand to quickly   Middle Eastern, Israeli and Jewish histories?
             find Jewish goods, services and organizations.
             Request to be on the mailing list!      AUGUST 18
                                                     ARAB-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS — Why it worked in
               Find and Subscribe at                 the 70s but is not working now? What did Sadat, Begin,
                 and Carter have that current leaders do not possess?
                                                    TO REGISTER, PLEASE VISIT JFEDSRQ.ORG/EVENTS
                                                   For more information,
                                                   contact Jessi Sheslow
                                                   or 941.343.2109
                          Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.                                                              STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 40.
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