Page 212 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 212

                                                          Ring gear

                                                                   Sun gear

                                                                   Right axle

                                     Left axle

                                                                   Planet gear



                                           T in
                                           w in

                                 Ring gear                        Planet gear (3)
                                                          N3        Sun gear (5)
                                                                             Right axle
                              T out1                 N4  N5
                                                                             T out2
                              w out1
                                                                             w out2
                                                                   Sun gear (4)
                              Left axle                         Planet gear
                                                            Planet carrier or arm

                              FIGURE 3.35: Automotive differential gear as an example.

                              same input shaft. In mobile and automotive applications this is needed when the vehicle
                              travels over a path that has curvature, not a straight line. In that case, in order to avoid tire
                              slip, the outside wheels must rotate at a faster rate than the inside wheels.
                                   The fundamental relationship for differential operation can be expressed under two
                                1. unlocked differential,
                                2. locked differential.

                                   The unlocked differential mode is the normal mode of operation of the differential.
                              In this case the output torques transmitted to each output shaft are the same. Output shaft
                              torques cannot be different, because the reaction forces on the planetary gear from the output
                              shafts must be the same, but the output shaft speeds can be different which is determined
                              by the dynamics of the whole system.
                                   In the locked differential mode, that is the planetary gear is not allowed to rotate
                              about its own axis, the output speeds of the two shafts must be the same, but the transmitted
                              torques to output shafts can be different. In this case the differential becomes a regular gear
                              reducer, and its “differential” function is cancelled. In unlocked and locked differential
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