Page 393 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 393

October 9, 2014 8:1
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                                                                                        SENSORS  379  254mm×178mm
                             connected to an LVDT or a linear potentiometer to get a voltage signal proportional to the
                                                          Δx = k ⋅ ΔP                          (6.156)
                                                         V   = k  ⋅ Δx                         (6.157)
                                                          out  vx
                                                             = (k ⋅ k ) ⋅ ΔP                   (6.158)
                                                                p  vx
                                                             = k  ⋅ ΔP                         (6.159)
                             The pressure sensors shown in Figure 6.48 measure the relative pressure between p and
                             p , that is the pressure difference between them, Δp = p − p . If either p or p is the
                              2                                             1   2         1    2
                             vacuum pressure (absolute zero pressure), then the sensor measures the absolute pressure.
                             6.8.2 Strain-Gauge Based Pressure Sensor
                             The pressure induced deformation of the diaphragm is measured by strain gauges on it.
                             The strain on the diaphragm is proportional to the pressure. The resistance of the strain
                             gauge changes in proportion to its strain. Using a Wheatstone bridge circuit, a proportional
                             output voltage is obtained from the strain gauge. The relationship between pressure and
                             strain gauge voltage output is (Figure 6.49),
                                                            Δx = k ⋅ ΔP                        (6.160)
                                                                 = k ⋅ Δx                      (6.161)
                                                           V out  = k ⋅                        (6.162)
                                                               = k ⋅ ΔP                        (6.163)
                                  An example of a strain-gauge based differential pressure sensor is the Model P2100
                             series by Schaevitz Inc. The sensor has two pressure input ports and can measure the
                             pressure differential between the two ports up to 5000 psi. The natural frequency of the
                             sensor is 4 kHz for pressures up to 75 psi and 15 kHz for pressures upto 1000 psi. For
                             instance, such a sensor is appropriate to measure the pressure differential between two
                             sides of a hydraulic cylinder.


                                                       Dead volume, V

                              Strain                     Diaphragm
                                                         Signal conditioning
                             wires                         Excitation voltage in
                                                           Electrical signal out  FIGURE 6.49: Pressure sensor
                                                                            using a diaphragm and strain
                                                                            gauge. Pressure is proportional
                                                                            to the strain induced on the
                                                                            diaphragm. The strain is
                                                                            measured as a proportional
                                                p                           voltage output by a Wheatstone
                                                  reference                 bridge circuit.
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