Page 39 - KAFSP Vision Camp - Guide
P. 39

KAFSP Vision Camp 2024 [35]

             (9) Bridges Across Borders: Increasing Understanding of Human Rights in North
                 국경을 넘는 다리: 북한 인권에 대한 이해 증진

             Visiting the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights and participating in the rice-
            sending campaign to North Korea emphasizes global solidarity and a commitment to human
            rights. Their participation raises international awareness of North Korea’s dire human rights
               situation and fosters deeper understanding and empathy among young global citizens.
             These activities highlight the need for humanitarian aid and remind us of the importance of
            cross-border cooperation. Additionally, through this experience, students directly encounter
             the values of human dignity and freedom, realizing the necessity of efforts to uphold them.
            북한인권정보센터를 견학하고 북한에 쌀보내기 운동에 동참하는 것은, 글로벌 연대와 인권에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다. 이들의
                참여는 북한의 열악한 인권 상황에 대한 국제적인 인식을 높이고, 젊은 세계 시민들 사이에서 더 깊은 이해와 공감을
            불러일으킵니다. 이러한 활동은 인도주의적 지원의 필요성을 환기시키며, 국경을 넘어선 협력의 중요성을 상기시킵니다. 또한,
             이 경험을 통해 학생들은 인간의 존엄성과 자유의 가치를 직접 체험하고, 이를 지키기 위한 노력의 필요성을 깨닫게 됩니다.

               The Database Center for North Korean Human Rights – 북한인권정보센터

           l  The Database Center for North Korean
              Human Rights (NKDB) is a non-profit
              organization established in 2003, focusing
              on investigating and documenting human
              rights conditions in North Korea. NKDB
              systematically collects and analyzes cases
              of human rights violations within North
              Korea, raising awareness in the
              international community and advocating for
              the improvement of human rights in the

           l  Database Construction: NKDB builds a comprehensive database of human rights
              violations in North Korea. This database includes testimonies from defectors, human
              rights reports, satellite images, and more.
           l  Research and Publication: NKDB
              conducts regular research based on the
              collected data and publishes reports.
              These reports serve as valuable resources
              for the international community, academia,
              and policymakers.
           l  Support for Defectors: NKDB runs
              various support programs to help North
              Korean defectors settle into South Korean
              society. This includes psychological
              counseling, legal assistance, and
              vocational training.
           l  Collaboration with the International Community: NKDB collaborates with international
              human rights organizations to raise awareness of North Korean human rights issues and
              to work jointly on efforts to improve human rights.
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