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containing evidence from recounts. However, the refusal of
certain factions to allow further recounts has hindered additional
evidence collection. To address this, Hwang has turned to
scientific and computational analyses. By examining cases of
voting anomalies, such as implausibly high vote counts in short
periods, scientists and statisticians are working to uncover and
document patterns of manipulation.
Evolving Fraud Tactics and Imbalanced Voting Results
Hwang observed an evolution in fraud patterns across the 2020
and 2022 elections and the 2024 general election. While earlier
recounts provided critical evidence, current issues include
improperly sealed ballot boxes; disproportionate early voting
results favoring speci#c parties; and election-day outcomes that
starkly contrast with early voting. Additional anomalies, such as
more ballots than registered voters and uniformly folded mail-in
ballots, suggest mechanical tampering.
Progress and Future Plans for Analysis
Hwang reported that approximately 70% of the current scienti#c
investigation into electoral fraud is complete, with plans to
conclude the remaining work by the end of the year. Concurrently,
e$orts are underway to establish systems to prevent future fraud.
Hwang also intends to publish a comprehensive white paper to
educate the public and ensure such manipulation does not recur
in future elections.
8. Uncovering Electoral Fraud Through Scientific Analysis and U.S.Korea Cooperation 97