Page 112 - Trilateral Korea Japan U.S. Cooperation
P. 112
Air Defense (THAAD) missile system should be installed
in South Korea. Notwithstanding the informal Chinese
sanctions against South Korea in response to the batteries
already based there, South Korea should as a priority aim to
protect itself more effectively.
The Iron Dome would be a good idea as would more Patriot
missile batteries. Camp Humphries, the largest U.S. military
base outside the continental United States, aids the deterrence
efforts. When North Korea threatened to attack Washington
DC or other American cities, Trump did not cower in fear.
Instead, he declared that he has a bigger nuclear button and
that his actually works. North Korea has yet to demonstrate
mastery of re-entry technology, precision guidance, or
submarine launch capabilities. Furthermore, he asserted that
the U.S. military is “locked and and loaded.” In the midst
of this exchange, President Trump said that “Fire and fury
the world has never seen . . .” would come down upon North
Korea if they attacked. The motto of the U.S. forces in Korea
was “Ready to fight tonight.”
Reportedly, President Trump told Kim Jong-Un that he had
48 hours either to come to the negotiating table or risk total
destruction. Kim came crawling to the Singapore Summit on
that basis.
After both Summits (Singapore, Hanoi) and a follow-up in
Stockholm, the brutal dictator executed his own negotiation
teams, which merely parroted what the regime demanded
they say. After the final meeting in Stockholm, subsequent
to everyone else filing out, the chief negotiator on the North
Chapter Seven : Threats from North Korea: A Personal View 111