Page 212 - Trilateral Korea Japan U.S. Cooperation
P. 212

convergence of material and political interests in the North
            Korea-Russia strategic relationship over the war in Ukraine
            and its impact on the potential emergence of dueling U.S.-
            Japan-South Korea and China-Russia-North Korean
            alignments or blocs that might support the deepening of
            inter-Korean security confrontation.

                The Impact and Significance of the Spirit of Camp David

            The first geostrategic development that carries significance as
            a factor reshaping the security environment in Northeast Asia
            is the emergence of U.S.-Japan-South Korea trilateralism.
            This development marks an important structural change in the
            U.S.-led security architecture from a framework characterized
            by a hub-and-spokes security network focused on the United
            States to a network that supports and strengthens lateral ties
            with America’s two major alliance partners, South Korea and
            Japan.  The institutionalization of trilateral cooperation marks
            the culmination of a decades-long effort to cultivate various
            forms of trilateral cooperation as a means by which to ease
            the effects of longstanding Japan-South Korea tensions over
            unresolved historical issues stemming from Japan’s pre-World
            War II occupation of South Korea.  From the establishment of
            the Trilateral Coordination and Oversight Group in the late
            1990s, North Korea’s nuclear drive has served as the primary
            catalyst and focal point for sporadic policy coordination
            efforts among the three countries, the quality and durability
            of which has ultimately depended on the state of the Japan-
            South Korea relationship.

        212  Section III : South Korea-Japan-U.S. Cooperation: How to Deter Pyongyang and Dissuade Beijing
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