P. 71
KCPAC 2020 Korea Conference: Opening remarks
Despite the current situation,
I'm glad to be a part of KCPAC.
The political situation in Korea is very dangerous.
Little by little, we are losing our strength to resist
the Moon Jae-in administration in Korea. All legal
institutions, organizations, and even the media are
manipulated by the Moon administration. That
means it's hard for us to think critically anymore.
ೠҴ ࢚ട ݒ ਤೠ ࢚కੑפ ܻח Ҵղীࢲ
ޙੋ ࠗী ೦ೡ ࣻ ח ൨ਸ ઑӘঀ ҅ࣘ Ҋ णפ
ݽٚ ࢎߨ ӝҙҗ ױ ۿөب ޙ ࠗ ࣚইӈী
֥ইաҊ णפ ӒѪ ܻо ؊ ࢚ ࠺౸ਵ۽
ࢎҊೞӝ য۵ח Ѫਸ פ
What we need now is a movement of citizens
who can stand up to this government. Although
the alliance with the United States is strong, the
current administration is trying to destroy the
US-ROK alliance. I think it is necessary for
citizens and civic groups in the United States
and South Korea to work together to solidify the
Ә ܻীѱ ਃೠ Ѫ ࠗী ೦ೡ ࣻ ח दٜ
ੑפ Ҵҗ زݚ ѼҊೞ݅ അ ӂ
ೠزݚਸ Ҧदః۰ ೞҊ णפ ח Ҵҗ ೠҴ Roh, Jae-bong
दٜ द ױо زݚਸ ҶѤ ٜ݅ӝ ਤ೧ ࢲ۽ ഈ۱ೞח
Ѫ ਃೞҊ ࢤпפ (Former Prime Minister,
KCPAC 2020 Honorary Chair)
֢ࠉ ୨ܻ
Ҵޖ୨ܻ ,$1"$ ݺ