P. 72

KCPAC 2020 Korea Conference: Opening remarks

    August 2020

                           To my fellow patriots,

                                                          seniors and juniors.

                                                                Such a tragedy in the northern half of the Korean
                                                                Peninsula will be a good lesson in world history,
                                                                and the conclusion is that the choice made by the
                                                                Republic of Korea was de nitely right.

                                                                ೠ߈ب ࠘߈ࠗীࢲ ߥয૓ ৉ࢎ੸ ࠺ӓ਷ ࣁ҅ ৉ࢎী
                                                                ఋ࢑૑ࢳ੉ ؼ Ѫ੉ݴ  ݺഛೠ Ѿۿ਷ ؀ೠ޹Ҵ੄ ࢶఖ੉
                                                                ০ও׮ח Ѫੑפ׮

                                                                South Korea, which was devastated by the Korean
                                                                War in 1950, was able to achieve miraculous
                    Koh, Young-ju                               growth and development thanks to its choice of a
                                                                liberal democracy system and a market economy
                    (Co-Chair, KCU)                             system that respects the universal value of man-
                                                                kind. It is also thanks to the presence of great
                    Ҋ৔઱ ߸ഐࢎ  ೠҴࠁࣻো೤ ੄੢                          leaders such as the founding President Dr.
                                                                Syngman Rhee, who chose this system, and
                                                                President Park Chung-hee, who laid the founda-
                                                                tion for national economic revival.

                    ֙ ೠҴ੹੬ਵ۽ ತೲо ع؍ ೠҴ੉ ӝ੸җ э਷ ࢿ੢җ ߊ੹ਸ ੉ܗೡ ࣻ ੓঻؍ Ѫ਷ ੋܨ੄ ࠁಞ੸
                о஖ܳ ઓ઺ೞח ੗ਬ޹઱઱੄ ઁب৬ द੢҃ઁ ୓ઁܳ ࢶఖೠ ؋࠙ੑפ׮  ژೠ ੉ ઁبܳ ࢶఖೠ ѤҴ
                ؀ా۸ ੉थ݅ ߅ࢎ৬ Ҵо ҃ઁ ࠗ൜੄ ӝୡܳ ऺ਷ ߅੿൞ ؀ా۸җ э਷ ഴܯೠ ૑ب੗ٜ੉ ੓঻؍

                There is one more very important fact that cannot be left out when talking about the success and
                development of South Korea. It is the existence of the ROK-US alliance forged in blood. More than
                36,000 American soldiers were killed and more than 100,000 injured to prevent the invasion from
                North Korea, China and the Soviet Union 70 years ago. Without those American heroes, today's
                free democratic Republic of Korea would not exist.

                ೠҴ੄ ࢿҕҗ ߊ੹ਸ ੉ঠӝೡ ٸ ࡐ֬ਸ ࣻ হח ݒ਋ ઺ਃೠ ࢎप੉ ೠ о૑ ؊ ੓णפ׮  ߄۽ ೖ۽ॄ ݛয૓
                ೠ޷زݚ੄ ઓ੤ۄח Ѫੑפ׮    ֙ ੹ ࠘ೠҗ ઺ҕ  ࣗ۲੄ ஜҕਸ ݄ӝ ਤ೧  ݅ ୌৈ ݺ੄ ޷ҵ ੢߽ٜ੉
                ੹ࢎ೮ਵݴ   ݅ৈ ݺ੉ ࢚ࠗਸ ੑ঻णפ׮  ੉ٜҗ э਷ ޷Ҵ੄ ৔ਔٜ੉ হ঻׮ݶ য়טզ੄ ੗ਬ޹઱઱੄
                ؀ೠ޹Ҵ਷ ઓ੤ೞ૑ ޅ೮ਸ Ѫੑפ׮

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