P. 74
KCPAC 2020 Launch & Sponsorship
2020년 8월: '한국보수주의연합 2020 대회'(온라인) 개최 및 후원
August 2020
Invited U.S. experts (Grant Newsham, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Dr. Tara O,
president of the East Asia Research Center, Dan Schneider, Executive Director of the American
Conservative Union (ACU), commentator Gordon Chang, and others) and prominent Korean
experts and scholars (Professor Park Young-ah, Lt. General Kim Hyung-chul (Ret.), Attorney Seok
Dong-hyun, Professor Park Sung-hyun, David Eunkoo Kim, President of the Truth Forum, and
others) to have an in-depth discussion on election irregularities found during South Korea’s 21st
general election (April 15, 2020) and raised speci c allegations of fraud to the public.
During this conference, conservative politicians and activists suggested actions that should be
taken directly to protect the fairness and transparency of elections, which are the basis of democ-
racy. In order to especially investigate allegations of election fraud, the need to thoroughly
investigate election irregularities through a scienti c approach was raised.
In September 2020, a press conference was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
inviting many reporters. During this press conference, Korean and American election experts and
scholars gathered to inform 20 American and Japanese reporters of clear cases and suspicions
raised during South Korea’s April 15, 2020 general election to urge international interest in Korean
elections and stressed the importance of fair and transparent elections.