Page 22 - KAFSP Vision Camp - Guide
P. 22

[18] New Horizon for the next generation

             (3) Learning about Dedication and Patriotism at the Korea Military Academy
                 한국 육군사관학교에서 배우는 헌신과 애국심

             By visiting the Korea Military Academy, American high school students will understand the
             vital role of the academy in cultivating patriotic leaders. They will experience firsthand the
              dedication and sacrifices of soldiers committed to protecting their nation. Witnessing and
              interacting with cadets during parades and conversations will provide them with a deep
            appreciation for the discipline and commitment required to serve in the military. This visit will
                 inspire them to value the importance of military service and the profound impact of
                                               dedication and patriotism.
            미국 고등학생들이 한국의 육군사관학교를 방문함으로써 호국간성을 길러내는 육군사관학교의 중요성을 깨닫게 될 것입니다.
            이들은 나라를 지키기 위해 희생과 헌신을 다하는 군인들의 각오를 직접 경험할 수 있습니다. 육사 생도들의 퍼레이드를 보고
            그들과 대화를 나누면서 군 복무에 필요한 엄격한 훈련과 헌신의 가치를 깊이 이해하게 될 것입니다. 이 방문은 학생들에게 군
                                   복무의 중요성과 헌신, 애국심의 깊은 의미를 일깨워 줄 것입니다.

              Korea Military Academy - 육군사관학교

           l  The Korea Military Academy is
              South Korea's preeminent institution
              for developing the next generation of
              military leaders. Founded in 1952,
              KMA provides a world-class
              education combining rigorous
              academics, advanced training, and
              elite leadership development.
              Cadets undergo a demanding yet
              rewarding experience, forging them
              into commissioned officers of
              exceptional character, intellect, and
              warrior spirit.
           l  Situated in Seoul, KMA's challenging curriculum covers military sciences, engineering,
              humanities, and more from top instructors. But the academy is far more than academics.
              Cadets are immersed in a culture of honor, duty, and intense discipline as they prepare
              for the immense responsibilities ahead. Time-honored traditions instill the values and
              skills to lead South Korea's armed forces.
           l  General Van Fleet played a crucial role in the establishment of the
              Korea Military Academy, contributing significantly to its development
              and training programs. His efforts helped lay the foundation for
              cultivating patriotic leaders and strengthening the military capabilities of
              South Korea. You will visit various meaningful memorials, including the
              statue of General Van Fleet.
           l  Graduates emerge as principled leaders ready to defend the nation's
              sovereignty and democratic ideals. KMA represents the path to a
              purposeful military career for those with a calling to lead and an
              unwavering commitment to service. Join the elite ranks by rising to
              KMA's extraordinary standards.
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