Page 27 - KAFSP Vision Camp - Guide
P. 27

KAFSP Vision Camp 2024 [23]

             (6) Exploring Security and the U.S.-ROK Alliance at the DMZ
                 DMZ에서 체험하는 안보와 한미동맹

            By visiting South Korea and touring security sites along the DMZ, students will gain a deep
            appreciation for the reality of the country's division and the threat of communist North Korea.
           This experience will emphasize how important the U.S.-ROK alliance is to maintaining peace
              and stability in the region. By witnessing these historical and current tensions firsthand,
            students will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of international cooperation and
                        the meaning of the ongoing commitment between the two countries.
              한국을 방문하여 DMZ 지역의 안보 현장을 견학함으로써 한국의 분단 현실과 북한 공산주의의 위협을 깊이 자각하게 될
            것입니다. 이 경험은 한미 동맹이 지역의 평화와 안정을 유지하는 데 얼마나 중요한지를 강조합니다. 이러한 역사적 및 현재의
            긴장을 직접 목격함으로써, 학생들은 국제 협력의 중요성과 두 나라 간의 지속적인 헌신의 의미를 깊이 이해하게 될 것입니다.

              Imjingak - 임진각

           l  Imjingak was built in 1972 to honor
              the scars of war and the separated
              families who were unable to return to
              their homes due to the division
              between North and South Korea after
              the Korean War. It is a particularly
              meaningful place for many people,
              especially those who wish for better
              relations between North and South
              Korea and reunification.
           l  Imjingak has a variety of monuments
              and facilities where visitors can learn
              about Korea's history of division and
           l  Imjingak Peace Nuri Park: This park features large lawns and beautiful scenery, and
              hosts many cultural events and performances. Visitors can enjoy nature here and reflect
              on the meaning of peace.
           l  Freedom Bridge: A bridge that prisoners of war crossed to freedom after the Korean
              War, this is a symbolic place of division. Today, it's blocked by a steel fence, but it's
              preserved to honor its history.

           l  Mangbadan: A place of worship for separated families, many of whom visit to reminisce
              about their families and hometowns while looking north.
           l  Observatory: From Imjingak Observatory, you can look north to Kaesong Industrial
              Complex and North Korea from a distance. Here you can see the reality of North and
              South Korea with your own eyes.
           l  Imjingak is not just a tourist destination, but a symbolic place that reminds us of the reality
              of Korea's division and calls for peace and reunification. Every year, many people visit the
              site to spread messages of peace and hold events and ceremonies that express their
              desire for reunification.
           l  Imjingak is a place where you can feel the painful history of Korea and the desire for
              peace at the same time, leaving a lasting impression on visitors. Spend some time here to
              reflect on the history of Korea and the importance of unification.
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