Page 9 - Fontbonne 2021 New Hire Guide
P. 9
Fontbonne University Enrollment Guide
Members will utilize OptumRx for pharmacy beneits. Specialty Medications
The programs below are intended to drive better In an effort to control the rising cost of specialty
decision making and control rising pharmacy costs. medications, OptumRx is requiring members to
ill these medications through OptumRx’s specialty
Mail Service Saver Plus pharmacy, BriovaRx. Specialty medication will
Members are required to ill maintenance medications continue to be limited to a 30-day supply.
through OptumRx Home Delivery. By illing at a 90-
day supply, members pay the reduced 90-day supply Premium Plan HSA Plan
copay rather than paying the 30-day retail copay each In-Network In-Network
time. If you continue to utilize retail pharmacies to ill Deductible, then
your maintenance medications (after 3 grace reills), the following
copays: no
you will be responsible for the full cost of the retail deductible on
medication moving forward. maintenance
Hassle-Free Fills Generic $10 copay $10 copay
$30 copay
Preferred Brand
$40 copay
Members using the home delivery program with Non-Preferred Brand $60 copay $50 copay
OptumRx can enroll in the Hassle-Free automatic 2 times above 2 times above
reills program. OptumRx will automatically process, Mail Order copays for 90-day copays for 90-day
reill, and deliver your prescriptions with no additional
delivery charges. Members are notiied each time a Note: If you purchase a prescription drug from a non-network
reill is processed. This program is no cost to you! pharmacy, you are responsible for any diference between what the
non-network pharmacy charges and the amount which would have
been paid for the same prescription drug dispensed by a network
Fontbonne’s pharmacy plans include cost-controlling
features such as prior authorization and quantity
limitations for certain medications. If you have questions
about whether your prescriptions are subject to these
approvals and/or limits, please contact OptumRx at
Fontbonne University Enrollment Guide
Members will utilize OptumRx for pharmacy beneits. Specialty Medications
The programs below are intended to drive better In an effort to control the rising cost of specialty
decision making and control rising pharmacy costs. medications, OptumRx is requiring members to
ill these medications through OptumRx’s specialty
Mail Service Saver Plus pharmacy, BriovaRx. Specialty medication will
Members are required to ill maintenance medications continue to be limited to a 30-day supply.
through OptumRx Home Delivery. By illing at a 90-
day supply, members pay the reduced 90-day supply Premium Plan HSA Plan
copay rather than paying the 30-day retail copay each In-Network In-Network
time. If you continue to utilize retail pharmacies to ill Deductible, then
your maintenance medications (after 3 grace reills), the following
copays: no
you will be responsible for the full cost of the retail deductible on
medication moving forward. maintenance
Hassle-Free Fills Generic $10 copay $10 copay
$30 copay
Preferred Brand
$40 copay
Members using the home delivery program with Non-Preferred Brand $60 copay $50 copay
OptumRx can enroll in the Hassle-Free automatic 2 times above 2 times above
reills program. OptumRx will automatically process, Mail Order copays for 90-day copays for 90-day
reill, and deliver your prescriptions with no additional
delivery charges. Members are notiied each time a Note: If you purchase a prescription drug from a non-network
reill is processed. This program is no cost to you! pharmacy, you are responsible for any diference between what the
non-network pharmacy charges and the amount which would have
been paid for the same prescription drug dispensed by a network
Fontbonne’s pharmacy plans include cost-controlling
features such as prior authorization and quantity
limitations for certain medications. If you have questions
about whether your prescriptions are subject to these
approvals and/or limits, please contact OptumRx at