Page 18 - National General 2021 Annual Benefits Enrollment
P. 18
Voluntary Benefits

LifeLock Accident Insurance

LifeLock Benefit Elite Plus Voluntary Accident Insurance through The Hartford can
Protection is aimed at what matters to employees— provide financial protection when you face unplanned
helping protect their identities and helping protect their medical bills which result from an accidental injury. For
nest eggs. LifeLock Benefit Elite Plus protection helps example, if you or a dependent is admitted to the hospital
detect potential fraud and notifies employees through following an accident, the policy will pay $1,500 directly
email, text, phone or mobile app alerts. to you. Other features are:

‹ Benefits are payable for both on-and-off-the-job
LifeLock Benefit Elite Premium accidents

Helps protect 401(k) and other investment accounts from ‹ Benefits are not taxable since you pay premiums on
fraudulent withdrawals and balance transfers. It also an after-tax basis
comes with enhanced services including bank account ‹ No evidence of insurability is required (though for
application and take-over alerts, one-bureau annual credit certain benefits, pre-existing condition limitations may
score and report, monthly credit score tracking and three- apply)
bureau annual credit monitoring.
‹ The policy is portable at group rates if you terminate

After enrollment in either plan, you will receive a welcome employment
email from LifeLock with instructions on how to take full ‹ Coverage ends at age 80 for employee and spouse
advantage of your LifeLock membership. and at age 26 for dependent children

Bi-Weekly Rates LifeLock Benefit Elite LifeLock Benefit Elite Bi-Weekly
(per pay period) Plus Premium Rates Employee Employee Employee Employee
Employee Only $3.69 $6.23 (per pay Only Spouse Child(ren) and Family
(18 and over) period)
Employee + Family $7.38 $12.45 Accident
Insurance $4.92 $7.73 $8.21 $12.91
For More Information
Call 800.607.9174 or visit

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