Page 6 - National General 2021 Annual Benefits Enrollment
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Be Well

We proudly offer a variety of resources and programs designed
to help you on your wellness journey.

WellWorks Tobacco Cessation Program

When you understand your health, you’re on the way to If you are tobacco-free, great! You will attest to your
healthier living. We’ve partnered with WellWorks to offer tobacco-free status during the Open Enrollment process in
National General employees FREE: Workday.

‹ Biometric screenings If you aren’t tobacco-free and would like to be, through

‹ Health evaluations Quit for Life, you can take advantage of a tobacco
cessation program at no cost to you. The Quit for Life
Visit for updated Tobacco Cessation Program provides:
‹ A telephonic support program

More Good News! ‹ Counseling, pharmaceutical assistance, and clinical
If you have National General medical benefits, and participated
in the biometric screening and completed the Know Your Number ‹ Access to a certified tobacco cessation specialist
health assessment before the October 22, 2020, deadline, your ‹ Contact Quit for Life at 1.866.QUIT.4.LIFE, TTY 711 or
medical plan costs will be reduced by $25 per pay period (or
paycheck) in 2021. at

That’s $650 annually! Medical plan credits of $25 per pay are available to those
who are tobacco-free and to those who successfully
participate in the Tobacco Cessation program.
That’s Right!
By completing your biometric screening and the Know Alternative standard: If you think you are unable to meet
Your Number health assessment and being tobacco-free or a standard for the non-tobacco medical plan credit, you
completing the tobacco cessation program, you will earn a might qualify for an opportunity to earn the same credit by
combined total of $50 per pay period, which will be used to different means. Contact Quit for Life and they will work
reduce your medical plan cost by $1,300 in 2021!
with you (and, if you wish, your doctor) to establish an
alternative goal which is right for you.

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