Page 16 - Summit BHC 2022 Benefits Guide Summit Corporate
P. 16
Additional Benefits

Employee Assistance Program MetLaw Legal Plan

Summit BHC provides a conidential Employee With MetLife legal plans, you and your family get
Assistance Program through LifeWorks at no cost legal assistance for some of the most frequently
to you! LifeWorks provides conidential counseling, needed personal legal matters when using a network
consultations, community referrals, multimedia attorney for a low cost per pay period for covered
resources, and online access to hundreds of articles, matters, such as:
self-assessments, podcasts, calculators and more. z
The program also provides up to 5 phone or video General phone advice and oice consultations
consultations with licensed counselors per incident z Wills and estate planning documents, including
per calendar year. Services are available 24 hours unlimited face-to-face meetings with attorneys
a day, seven days a week, and are provided at no z Document preparation and review
additional cost to you and/or any member of your z Real estate matters
z Debt matters
z Diiculties in relationships z Consumer matters
z Emotional/psychological issues z Traic defense

z Stress and anxiety issues with work or family z Juvenile court matters
z Alcohol and drug abuse z Defense of civil lawsuits

z Personal and life improvement z Family law
z Legal or inancial issues

z Depression MetLaw
z Childcare and eldercare issues
z Grief issues
z 800.821.6400

z User ID: metlifeeap
{ Password: eap

z 888.319.7819

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