Page 15 - Summit BHC 2022 Benefits Guide Summit Corporate
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Benefits Guide
Supplemental Benefits
Our medical plans provide great coverage for you and your family’s healthcare needs but there are more
than just medical bills to pay after an unexpected health condition or accident. These voluntary plans through
MetLife are to help you pay for your out-of-pocket share on your medical plan, lost wages, childcare, travel,
or any of your regular household expenses.
Voluntary Accident Insurance Voluntary Critical Illness
Accidents can happen in an instant. When they There are more than just medical bills to pay after a
do, medical bills can pile up quickly. Our accident heart attack, stroke, or other unexpected illnesses.
insurance pays you a tax-free beneit after a Critical Illness pays a lump-sum beneit tax-free
covered accident so you can focus on what’s truly if you are diagnosed with a covered disease or
important—getting better. A comprehensive list of condition.
non-work-related injuries or accidents are covered
by this plan.
Beneit cost and coverage information will be
Voluntary Hospital Indemnity provided during the enrollment process at
Out-of-pocket costs from a stay in a hospital can be Summit BHC—EMB Beneits.
overwhelming. Hospital Indemnity pays a beneit if
you have a covered stay and you can use this money
for any purpose.
Benefits Guide
Supplemental Benefits
Our medical plans provide great coverage for you and your family’s healthcare needs but there are more
than just medical bills to pay after an unexpected health condition or accident. These voluntary plans through
MetLife are to help you pay for your out-of-pocket share on your medical plan, lost wages, childcare, travel,
or any of your regular household expenses.
Voluntary Accident Insurance Voluntary Critical Illness
Accidents can happen in an instant. When they There are more than just medical bills to pay after a
do, medical bills can pile up quickly. Our accident heart attack, stroke, or other unexpected illnesses.
insurance pays you a tax-free beneit after a Critical Illness pays a lump-sum beneit tax-free
covered accident so you can focus on what’s truly if you are diagnosed with a covered disease or
important—getting better. A comprehensive list of condition.
non-work-related injuries or accidents are covered
by this plan.
Beneit cost and coverage information will be
Voluntary Hospital Indemnity provided during the enrollment process at
Out-of-pocket costs from a stay in a hospital can be Summit BHC—EMB Beneits.
overwhelming. Hospital Indemnity pays a beneit if
you have a covered stay and you can use this money
for any purpose.