Page 3 - Summit BHC 2022 Benefits Guide Summit Corporate
P. 3

Benefits Guide

Plan Eligibility

Beneits are available to all full-time employees actively working a minimum of 30 hours per week and
their dependents. For new hires, your beneits will become efective on the irst of the month following
30 days. Please complete the enrollment process within 30 days of your date of hire.

Who is Eligible? Qualifying Life Event

You may make changes to your elections during the
year if you experience a qualifying event. Qualifying
events include, but are not limited to:
Your legal spouse
z Change in marital status, marriage, divorce,
legal separation, death of a spouse
z Change in dependents, birth, adoption,

Your children to age 26 ineligibility due to age, court-ordered qualiied
medical child support order

z Change in employment or job status for you or
one of your dependents

Your dependents eligible for coverage include: Changes to your coverage due to a qualifying life
event must be made within 30 days of the life
z Your legal spouse who does not have medical event. Proof of the qualifying life event is required
coverage available through their own employer (marriage certiicate, divorce decree, birth certiicate,

z Your dependent children to age 26 regardless or loss of coverage letter).
of student or marital status (including legally
adopted children, stepchildren, and any child
placed in your home for legal adoption or legal

z Your dependent children over age 26 who are
physically or mentally handicapped may be

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