Page 5 - Summit BHC 2022 Benefits Guide Summit Corporate
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Benefits Guide
PhysicianNow with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
BlueCross BlueShield of TN provides access to How it Works
PhysicianNow. The program lets you get the care With PhysicianNow, you have access to doctors
you need—including most prescriptions—for a 24/7/365 via secure messaging, telephone, or
wide range of minor acute conditions. You will have video consultation. Use PhysicianNow for:
access to these board-certiied doctors via secure ¡ Allergies ¡ Respiratory issues
video chat or phone, without leaving your home or To participate:
oice—when, where, and how it works best for you. ¡ Cold and flu ¡ Skin conditions
{ Complete and conirm your medical history ¡ Fever (rashes or insect bites)
(this can be completed prior to consultation) ¡ Sore throat
Telehealth is just $10 per visit when enrolled ¡ Sinus infections
in the PPO Plan, or deductible then 20% { Request a consultation with a physician via ¡ Urinary tract infections
coinsurance up to $45 per visit when enrolled in phone or video
the High Deductible Health Plan. { Stand by for a doctor to contact you for your Common Pediatric Conditions Include: **
{ If the doctor is able to diagnose your ¡ Cold and flu ¡ Diarrhea
Use PhysicianNow For: symptoms after your consultation, the ¡ Constipation ¡ Nausea and vomiting
z Allergies doctor will send any needed prescriptions to ¡ Ear aches ¡ Pinkeye
z Cold and lu your local pharmacy
z Fever Our doctors can diagnose your symptoms and if a prescription is
z Sinus infections needed, send it to your pharmacy. ***
z Respiratory issues Register 1 of 3 ways
z Skin conditions (rashes or insect bites) Visit How It Works
z Sore throat Visit With PhysicianNow, your employees have access to doctors
and select the My Health
and click “Get Started” all day, every day via their choice of video consultation, secure
z Urinary tract infections and Wellness tab. Click on
z Counseling consult (up to $90) OR the PhyicianNow tile. messaging or telephone.
Common Pediatric Conditions Call 888.283.6691 All they have to do to participate is:
Include: Call 1-844-658-4825. ¡ Complete and confirm their medical history (this can be
z Constipation completed before their consultation)
z Ear aches OR ¡ Request a consultation with a physician via phone or video
Download the PhysicianNow app
z Diarrhea
at the App Store or Google Play . ® ¡ Stand by for a doctor to contact them for their consultation
z Nausea and vomiting
z Pinkeye All your employees have to do to get started is log on to
BlueAccess and click on the My Health and Wellness tab.
1 Cameron Hill Circle | Chattanooga, TN 37402 |
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BlueCross) complies with applicable Federal civil For TDD/TTY help call 1-800-848-0299.
rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
age, disability or sex. BlueCross does not exclude people or treat them differently Spanish: Para obtener ayuda en español, llame al
because of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. BlueCross BlueShield of 1-866-636-0164
Tennessee, Inc., an Independent Licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association
The PhysicianNow program operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Tagalog: Kung kailangan ninyo ang tulong sa
Tagalog tumawag sa 1-800-558-6213
PhysicianNow phone consultations are available 24/7 while video consultations are available during the hours
of 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week or by scheduled availability.* MDLive is an independent internet based
service that allows consumers to select and interact with independent physicians and other health care Chinese: 如果需要中文的帮助,请拨打这个号码
providers. For complete terms of use, visit:” iPhone is a registered trademark 1-800-558-6213
of Apple, Inc. Android is a trademark of Google, Inc. ** Children 36 months and under with a fever will be
automatically referred to their regular primary care pediatrician. ***Some state laws require that a doctor can Navajo: Dinek’ehgo shika at’ohwol ninisingo, kwiijigo holne’ BHS-66 (8/16)
only prescribe medication in certain situations and can be subject to certain limitations. BlueCross members BlueHealth Solutions
should have their prescriptions filled at a network pharmacy in compliance with the BlueCross drug formulary. 1-800-558-6213 MDLIVE Employer Flier
Benefits Guide
PhysicianNow with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
BlueCross BlueShield of TN provides access to How it Works
PhysicianNow. The program lets you get the care With PhysicianNow, you have access to doctors
you need—including most prescriptions—for a 24/7/365 via secure messaging, telephone, or
wide range of minor acute conditions. You will have video consultation. Use PhysicianNow for:
access to these board-certiied doctors via secure ¡ Allergies ¡ Respiratory issues
video chat or phone, without leaving your home or To participate:
oice—when, where, and how it works best for you. ¡ Cold and flu ¡ Skin conditions
{ Complete and conirm your medical history ¡ Fever (rashes or insect bites)
(this can be completed prior to consultation) ¡ Sore throat
Telehealth is just $10 per visit when enrolled ¡ Sinus infections
in the PPO Plan, or deductible then 20% { Request a consultation with a physician via ¡ Urinary tract infections
coinsurance up to $45 per visit when enrolled in phone or video
the High Deductible Health Plan. { Stand by for a doctor to contact you for your Common Pediatric Conditions Include: **
{ If the doctor is able to diagnose your ¡ Cold and flu ¡ Diarrhea
Use PhysicianNow For: symptoms after your consultation, the ¡ Constipation ¡ Nausea and vomiting
z Allergies doctor will send any needed prescriptions to ¡ Ear aches ¡ Pinkeye
z Cold and lu your local pharmacy
z Fever Our doctors can diagnose your symptoms and if a prescription is
z Sinus infections needed, send it to your pharmacy. ***
z Respiratory issues Register 1 of 3 ways
z Skin conditions (rashes or insect bites) Visit How It Works
z Sore throat Visit With PhysicianNow, your employees have access to doctors
and select the My Health
and click “Get Started” all day, every day via their choice of video consultation, secure
z Urinary tract infections and Wellness tab. Click on
z Counseling consult (up to $90) OR the PhyicianNow tile. messaging or telephone.
Common Pediatric Conditions Call 888.283.6691 All they have to do to participate is:
Include: Call 1-844-658-4825. ¡ Complete and confirm their medical history (this can be
z Constipation completed before their consultation)
z Ear aches OR ¡ Request a consultation with a physician via phone or video
Download the PhysicianNow app
z Diarrhea
at the App Store or Google Play . ® ¡ Stand by for a doctor to contact them for their consultation
z Nausea and vomiting
z Pinkeye All your employees have to do to get started is log on to
BlueAccess and click on the My Health and Wellness tab.
1 Cameron Hill Circle | Chattanooga, TN 37402 |
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BlueCross) complies with applicable Federal civil For TDD/TTY help call 1-800-848-0299.
rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
age, disability or sex. BlueCross does not exclude people or treat them differently Spanish: Para obtener ayuda en español, llame al
because of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. BlueCross BlueShield of 1-866-636-0164
Tennessee, Inc., an Independent Licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association
The PhysicianNow program operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Tagalog: Kung kailangan ninyo ang tulong sa
Tagalog tumawag sa 1-800-558-6213
PhysicianNow phone consultations are available 24/7 while video consultations are available during the hours
of 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week or by scheduled availability.* MDLive is an independent internet based
service that allows consumers to select and interact with independent physicians and other health care Chinese: 如果需要中文的帮助,请拨打这个号码
providers. For complete terms of use, visit:” iPhone is a registered trademark 1-800-558-6213
of Apple, Inc. Android is a trademark of Google, Inc. ** Children 36 months and under with a fever will be
automatically referred to their regular primary care pediatrician. ***Some state laws require that a doctor can Navajo: Dinek’ehgo shika at’ohwol ninisingo, kwiijigo holne’ BHS-66 (8/16)
only prescribe medication in certain situations and can be subject to certain limitations. BlueCross members BlueHealth Solutions
should have their prescriptions filled at a network pharmacy in compliance with the BlueCross drug formulary. 1-800-558-6213 MDLIVE Employer Flier