Page 7 - Summit BHC 2022 Benefits Guide Summit Corporate
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Benefits Guide
Tobacco Cessation BCBST Smoking Cessation
Resources Program
BlueCross BlueShield of TN ofers a tobacco cessation
Employees enrolled in one of the Summit BHC program to Summit BHC’s medical plan participants free
of charge. This program ofers proven, personal support
medical plans that make healthy lifestyle choices to help you quit for good. Choose from a variety of
and choose not to use tobacco products, or tools to customize a plan to help you break free from
products that deliver nicotine, will receive a medical tobacco. You can register for the program by logging in to and choosing Managing your Health.
premium discount.
z Online Support: Get to personalized, self-directed
All employees must attest whether or not they use courses to guide you through how to beat urges,
tobacco/nicotine products. New hires must attest manage withdrawal symptoms, and switch up your
status within 30 days of the date of hire. It is your habits to avoid tobacco
responsibility to notify Human Resources if you are z Nicotine replacement therapy: You may be eligible
no longer a tobacco user. for medications at no charge to help quit, if you
Approved Tobacco Cessation Once you have successfully completed a smoking cessation
Programs program, you will receive a certiicate of completion to
present to Human Resources.
Approved tobacco cessation programs are available
through the medical plan and/or may vary based
upon available community resources. As an Additional Resources
alternative, tobacco users may have a tobacco z American Cancer Society
cessation program developed by a physician. 800.ACS.2345 or 800.227.2345
z American Lung Association
z National Cancer Institute Smoking Quitline
z Visit the federal government’s website,, for more resources
Benefits Guide
Tobacco Cessation BCBST Smoking Cessation
Resources Program
BlueCross BlueShield of TN ofers a tobacco cessation
Employees enrolled in one of the Summit BHC program to Summit BHC’s medical plan participants free
of charge. This program ofers proven, personal support
medical plans that make healthy lifestyle choices to help you quit for good. Choose from a variety of
and choose not to use tobacco products, or tools to customize a plan to help you break free from
products that deliver nicotine, will receive a medical tobacco. You can register for the program by logging in to and choosing Managing your Health.
premium discount.
z Online Support: Get to personalized, self-directed
All employees must attest whether or not they use courses to guide you through how to beat urges,
tobacco/nicotine products. New hires must attest manage withdrawal symptoms, and switch up your
status within 30 days of the date of hire. It is your habits to avoid tobacco
responsibility to notify Human Resources if you are z Nicotine replacement therapy: You may be eligible
no longer a tobacco user. for medications at no charge to help quit, if you
Approved Tobacco Cessation Once you have successfully completed a smoking cessation
Programs program, you will receive a certiicate of completion to
present to Human Resources.
Approved tobacco cessation programs are available
through the medical plan and/or may vary based
upon available community resources. As an Additional Resources
alternative, tobacco users may have a tobacco z American Cancer Society
cessation program developed by a physician. 800.ACS.2345 or 800.227.2345
z American Lung Association
z National Cancer Institute Smoking Quitline
z Visit the federal government’s website,, for more resources