Page 9 - Summit BHC 2022 Benefits Guide Summit Corporate
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Benefits Guide
Health Advocate Who is Eligible?
Health Advocate is a special beneit provided by Health Advocate’s services are available to all employees,
Summit BHC to help you and your entire family spouses, and eligible dependents enrolled in Summit
BHC’s Medical Plan, at no additional cost!
navigate the healthcare system. This comprehensive
service is available to help with administrative issues
and healthcare needs. Personal Health Advocate (PHA)
z Registered nurse
How Does Health Advocate z Member speaks with same PHA
Work? Medical director support
The irst time you call, you will speak with a Personal z Resolve complex insurance claims and billing issues
Health Advocate (PHA) who then becomes “your” z Save money on healthcare bills
PHA, there to assist you each time you call. After z Help prepare patients for healthcare appointments
obtaining the necessary background information, z Help you better understand health conditions and make
informed decisions
your PHA, assisted by the staf of Medical Directors z Find the best doctors and hospitals in-network including
and administrative experts, will begin working on “best-in-class” medical institutions
your question or problem. z Research treatments for a medical condition
z Secure second opinions
Is My Privacy Protected? z Schedule appointments with hard-to-reach specialists
z Assist with elder care issues
Health Advocate’s staf is specially trained to z Help make arrangements for members’ special service
handle each case with the utmost conidentiality. needs
They follow careful protocols that comply with all z Help arrange transportation services
governmental privacy standards to ensure that your
medical and personal information is fully protected
and held conidential. Summit BHC does not
receive or have access to any of your conidential
Call Health Advocate
If you have a healthcare or insurance issue you
need help with, just call the toll-free number
866.695.8622. They can be accessed, Monday-
Friday between 8AM and 9PM EST. After hours
and during weekends, on-call staf is always
available for assistance with issues that need to
be addressed.
Benefits Guide
Health Advocate Who is Eligible?
Health Advocate is a special beneit provided by Health Advocate’s services are available to all employees,
Summit BHC to help you and your entire family spouses, and eligible dependents enrolled in Summit
BHC’s Medical Plan, at no additional cost!
navigate the healthcare system. This comprehensive
service is available to help with administrative issues
and healthcare needs. Personal Health Advocate (PHA)
z Registered nurse
How Does Health Advocate z Member speaks with same PHA
Work? Medical director support
The irst time you call, you will speak with a Personal z Resolve complex insurance claims and billing issues
Health Advocate (PHA) who then becomes “your” z Save money on healthcare bills
PHA, there to assist you each time you call. After z Help prepare patients for healthcare appointments
obtaining the necessary background information, z Help you better understand health conditions and make
informed decisions
your PHA, assisted by the staf of Medical Directors z Find the best doctors and hospitals in-network including
and administrative experts, will begin working on “best-in-class” medical institutions
your question or problem. z Research treatments for a medical condition
z Secure second opinions
Is My Privacy Protected? z Schedule appointments with hard-to-reach specialists
z Assist with elder care issues
Health Advocate’s staf is specially trained to z Help make arrangements for members’ special service
handle each case with the utmost conidentiality. needs
They follow careful protocols that comply with all z Help arrange transportation services
governmental privacy standards to ensure that your
medical and personal information is fully protected
and held conidential. Summit BHC does not
receive or have access to any of your conidential
Call Health Advocate
If you have a healthcare or insurance issue you
need help with, just call the toll-free number
866.695.8622. They can be accessed, Monday-
Friday between 8AM and 9PM EST. After hours
and during weekends, on-call staf is always
available for assistance with issues that need to
be addressed.