Page 8 - NextCare Holdings 2021 Annual Benefits Enrollment
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NextCare Offers Employees and Their Eligible Family Members the Following Medical
Services for a Per Visit Fee Of $49

The fee covers the ofice visit, including DOT and employment exams and any in-house labs, x-rays, or other
service provided onsite at the NextCare clinic; should the employee or eligible family member require outside
services (lab, radiology, DME, etc.), the cost of those services will be the employee’s responsibility and eligible
expenses can be submitted to the employee’s or patient’s insurance plan.

‹ COVID-19 Viral Testing for Symptomatic ‹ COVID-19 Testing for Asymptomatic Patients—
Employees—NextCare will waive the $49 employee Employees and their family members will be subject
visit fee and cover the cost of the COVID-19 test to the $49 employee visit fee for asymptomatic
for the NextCare employee until the termination COVID-19 testing. If testing is conducted in a
of any applicable government order requiring clinic where rapid testing services are available, no
such coverage. Once the government order is additional charges will be incurred. If rapid testing
terminated, testing will fall under the $49 employee services are not available, outside services will be
visit program. the employee’s responsibility and eligible expenses

‹ COVID-19 Viral Testing for Symptomatic Eligible can be submitted to the employee’s or patient’s
Family Members—Eligible family members insurance plan. Uninsured employees and their
will be subject to the $49 employee visit fee for eligible family members will receive a bill for the
symptomatic COVID-19 testing. If testing is test from the lab vendor.
conducted in a clinic where rapid testing services ‹ Coronavirus Antibody Testing—Employees and
are available, no additional charges will be incurred. their eligible family members will be subject to the
If rapid testing services are not available, outside $49 employee visit fee for Coronavirus Antibody
services will be the employee’s responsibility Testing. This fee will cover a blood draw and
and eligible expenses can be submitted to the the cost of the antibody test at an outside lab.
employee’s or patient’s insurance plan. Uninsured Any other outside services will be the employee’s
family members will receive a bill for the test from responsibility and eligible expenses can be
the lab vendor. submitted to the employee’s or patient’s insurance

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