Page 132 - SLC PR REPORT - MARCH 2024
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development plans in Dubai,” and its mission aimed at “creating… A distinguished legal
               environment through pioneering legislation and rational and effective legal opinions.”

               During the year 2023, the Supreme Legislation Committee prepared and completed
               procedures for issuing a total of 190 local legislations in the Dubai Government dealing
               with various main areas of the Emirate of Dubai, compared to 145 local legislations in

               The committee also completed 110 local legislative transactions registered and under
               work, including main and subsidiary legislation, in 2023, compared to 86 transactions in
               2022. The total number of completed local legislation reached 386, whether issued in
               the Official Gazette or not, including main and subsidiary legislation.

               Federal legislation
               During 2023, the Supreme Legislation Committee in Dubai contributed to the issuance
               of 114 federal legislations, and represented the Dubai government in the discussions
               that took place regarding them, in order to activate the role assigned to it under the
               decree establishing it, compared to 59 federal legislations in 2022.

               The committee also contributed with the federal government last year by concluding 35
               international treaties and agreements, compared to 21 treaties and agreements in 2022,
               while the number of public transactions reached about 57 completed transactions,
               including requests for legislative needs and general legal requests.

               The Supreme Legislation Committee in Dubai completed 548 agreement transactions
               and memorandums of understanding from 2015 to 2023, while the committee
               contributed to issuing 397 federal legislation from 2015 to 2023, while the total number
               of legislation issued by the committee from 2015 to 2023 reached 1,671 pieces of

               Fatwa and legal opinion
               The Fatwa and Legal Opinion Department of the Supreme Legislation Committee,
               which is concerned with preparing explanatory notes and legal notes for inquiries
               presented to it by the Government of Dubai and its affiliated government agencies,
               received 72 registered transactions submitted by 33 government agencies, of which 51
               transactions were completed, or 71%.

               The total legislative oversight reports issued by the Legislative Oversight Department for
               government agencies, which are reports ensuring government agencies’ compliance
               with applicable local legislation, including administrative decisions, amounted to 59
               reports in 2023, compared to 27 reports in 2022, and the department audited 104
               pieces of legislation for government agencies in 2023 to ensure verification of its
               implementation and correct application, and it contributed with government agencies to
               issuing 59 legislation for entities subject to legislative oversight.

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