Page 133 - SLC PR REPORT - MARCH 2024
P. 133

Innovative environment

               In addition, His Highness the First Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and
               Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Supreme Legislation Committee in Dubai, listened
               to an explanation about the strategy of the Supreme Legislation Committee in Dubai for
               the next five years 2024-2029, which aims to create a legislative environment
               characterized by innovation and proactiveness, and enhances its position. The emirate
               is a pioneering center in the field of legislation, which has a positive impact on all
               aspects of economic, social and cultural life.

               The committee's new mission revolves around enhancing the quality of legislation to
               ensure its compatibility with global developments and future trends, and building a
               stable and innovative legislative environment that ensures justice and transparency,
               through fruitful cooperation with the concerned authorities, and striving to achieve
               everything that is consistent with the vision and aspirations of the emirate towards a
               prosperous future.

               The new strategy sets a number of goals aimed at enabling legislation that keeps pace
               with the times and supports the sustainable development process of the Emirate of
               Dubai with legislation that is compatible with international best practices, as it seeks to
               create balanced, sustainable and flexible legislation, as legislative flexibility is
               considered one of the committee’s strategic priorities, out of its belief in its pivotal role in
               enhancing readiness for the future. And laying solid foundations to lead and harmonize
               with the rapid changes imposed by the 21st century, as it contributes to enhancing the
               competitiveness, attractiveness and ability of the national economy to attract
               investments, as well as enhancing the growth of existing and new sectors and
               advancing the path of innovation, sustainability, science and technology.

               • Maktoum bin Mohammed directs to continue developing robust legislation that
               provides a safe environment that keeps pace with the requirements of the times,
               simulates the future, and takes into account the general legislation of the UAE.

               First Deputy Ruler of Dubai:

               • The strategy of the Supreme Legislation Committee translates the visions and
               directives of Mohammed bin Rashid, by establishing a proactive, stable and innovative
               legislative environment.

               • The committee’s efforts in 2023 resulted in legislation that supported Dubai’s
               development process and enhanced the ability of various sectors to work towards
               achieving its strategic goals.

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