P. 40

Press release

                 Dubai Municipality receives 11 pioneering awards during Q4

                                                       of 2023

               Dubai, UAE, 11 January 2024,
               Dubai Municipality received 11 pres gious awards in the final quarter of 2023, as a testament to

               its efforts, ini a ves, and projects across various key sectors. These include urban planning and
               enhancing  quality  of  life,  regula on,  and  issuance  of  building  permits  in  the  building  and

               construc on  sector,  health,  and  safety,  and  promo ng  digital  transforma on  in  contracts,

               procurement,  supply  chains,  and  project  management.  Addi onally,  the  municipality  was
               recognized for its efforts in enhancing customer happiness.

               The awards reflect the Municipality’s strategic emphasis on establishing digital and compe  ve

               business systems and fostering an advanced and leading digital  innova on framework, while

               further focusing on sustainable urban planning to enhance the overall quality of life and the
               establishment of a world-class, smart, and advanced building sector in Dubai. Furthermore, the

               municipality is commi ed to fostering happiness by developing proac ve and integrated services

               that  surpass  expecta ons.  This  commitment  also  includes  ensuring  the  sustainability  of  the
               environment,  health,  and  food,  ul mately  posi oning  Dubai  as  a  pioneering  and  a rac ve

               des na on offering the highest quality of life.

               Department of Urban Planning and Quality of Life
               Dubai Municipality received the Gold Category of the Global Future Design Award in the Urban

               Design category for its Integrated District ini a ve, which specifically aimed at the design of the

               service center in Al Aweer. The ini a ve is aimed at an cipa ng future service requirements,

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