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which align with the best planning standards to foster integrated communi es. This strategic
               approach enhances the quality of life and well-being of ci zens.

               Addi onally, the Municipality secured the Sustainable Ci es and Human Se lements Awards in
               the Planning and Design category for its framework plan ini a ve focused on the development

               of rural areas. This ini a ve was designed to preserve the naturality of rural areas while ensuring

               the provision of services, facili es, and necessi es for residents and visitors of these areas.

               Building permits

               Dubai Municipality bagged the top spot in the Big 5 Global Impact Awards under the Innova ve

               Construc on Organiza on of the Year category. This recogni on was earned through the success
               of the Dubai Municipality Projects Ini a ve in the field of innova ve construc on. The ini a ve

               aims at advancing the municipality's services and applica ons by aligning them with the latest

               interna onal technologies and best prac ces in the field of building and construc on.

               Health and Safety

               The  municipality  achieved  the  first  posi on  in  the  Arab  An -Smoking  Award  for  the  best
               legisla on category. This award reflects the municipality’s dedicated efforts in tobacco control

               and smoking regula on within the emirate. It is a ributed to the planning and execu on of an

               integrated tobacco control and smoking regula on program, which ensures adherence to the

               provisions and regula ons outlined in the Federal Law and its Execu ve Regula on.

               Since 2021, the municipality conducted over 36 thousand visits to monitor and inspect tobacco

               products and related items available in the local market, as well as smoking establishments. These

               efforts are aimed towards ensuring that circula on of tobacco products adheres to the country’s
               standards, and inves ga ons are carried out to assess the extent to which ins tu ons comply

               with the approved requirements.

               Customer Happiness

               It also secured the first posi on in the Global Con nual Improvement Award in the Happiness

               and  Engagement  category  for  its  ini a ve  focused  on  enhancing  customer  experience  and

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