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streamlining  processes  to  reduce  effort.  This  project  is  part  of a broader series  of strategic
               ini a ves  aimed  at  expedi ng  recovery  and  for fying  Dubai’s  economic  advantage,  further

               ensuring its leading posi on among the best ci es for business. Addi onally, it aligns with the

               direc ves of the Government of Dubai to reduce government requirements by 30 per cent.

               The ini a ve aims to minimize efforts, decrease costs associated with conduc ng business, and

               ensure conformity and compliance with the requirements from investors. Furthermore, it seeks
               to sustain the ongoing transi on towards a shared government channel and realize the vision of

               ‘The Services 360’.

               The Municipality was also honored with the first posi on in the Ideas Arabia Interna onal Award

               in  the  category  of  customer  happiness.  This  recogni on  is  a ributed  to  its  Customer  Voice

               ini a ve, designed to establish direct communica on between Dubai Municipality's leadership,
               customers,  and  investors,  while  ac vely  engaging  customers  in  the  improvement  and

               development process, with a goal of iden fying vital challenges and difficul es they encounter.

               Contracts and Procurement
               Dubai Municipality achieved the pres gious Future of Procurement award for its advancements

               in supplier performance  assessment, especially  for the Digi za on  of  Supplier  Performance

               Evalua on  ini a ve.  This  recogni on  is  a  result  of  incorpora ng  state-of-the-art  digital
               transforma on technologies, leveraging robo c process automa on, and automa ng repe  ve

               tasks, all without human interven on in the evalua on process. The objec ve is to enhance the

               efficiency and compe  veness of Dubai Municipality while suppor ng Dubai's digital economy
               and reinforcing its posi on as a global digital hub.

               It was also awarded the esteemed Technology U liza on Award at the Investors in People Awards

               for  its  digital  transforma on  ini a ve  in  procurement.  This  ini a ve  aims  to  align  with
               governmental  trends  by  incorpora ng  op mal  technological  solu ons  in  purchasing  and

               contrac ng.  It  streamlines  procedures  in  accordance  with  the  na onal  agenda  and  strategic

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