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objec ves of the municipality. Furthermore, it seeks to provide innova ve and high-quality
contractual and procurement services by harnessing modern technology.
Project Management
It also received global acclaim by ranking first in the Leadership category at the PMO Global
Awards for its Project Management Office. Heba Bilal Al Shehhi, Director of Dubai Municipality's
Project Management Office, was recognized with this pres gious tle. The award reflects Dubai
Municipality's leading and professional efforts in project management, showcasing an
excep onal developmental model and securing a leading posi on among the corporate
ins tu ons of the Dubai government, the UAE, and globally. The municipality had previously
received the tle of the Best Project Management Office worldwide for two consecu ve years. In
2022, it secured the award from the Interna onal Project Management Ins tute, and in 2021, it
was awarded at the PMO Global Awards by the Interna onal Alliance for Project Management
Excellence and Knowledge
Dubai Municipality won the pres gious Global MIKE Award, securing the tle of the most
innova ve knowledge ins tu on globally. This award is a result of the municipality's pioneering
ini a ves in knowledge management and innova on, showcasing excep onal maturity across all
standards. Innova on and knowledge system, knowledge management framework, knowledge
exchange ac vi es, and fostering a culture of innova on and knowledge collec vely contribute
to Dubai Municipality’s global ins tu onal leadership.
Informa on Technology
The Municipality also bagged the top posi on at the Digital Innova on Award under two
categories. In the first category, the municipality was recognized for its smart city project of the
year, par cularly its ini a ve to monitor emissions from oils, fats, and fuels, thereby preven ng
discharge into the sewage system. This ini a ve leveraged Internet of Things (IoT) technologies
and seamlessly integrated with a big data pla orm and analysis tools, resul ng in the presenta on
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