Page 262 - Integrate ME PR REPORT - MAY 2024
P. 262

time generative AI music. This occurred at a time when generative AI wasn’t

               being utilised for music production as it is today.

               “When we initially launched Mubert, it marked the inception of one of the
               first-ever live music generators, a pioneering AI music platform. Prior to our
               innovation, there were some experiments, such as those conducted by Brian

               Eno, but none had achieved real-time functionality, nor had any placed
               musicians at the core of the platform, and made it accessible across iOS,
               Android, and web interfaces.”

               The essence of his innovation lies in its fusion of AI technology with human
               musicianship. Unlike previous experiments in AI-generated music, Mubert

               argues that his platform places human creativity at its core.

               "The reality is, without humans, AI cannot exist. AI learns from datasets
               created by humans,” he adds. “We compensate every musician who
               contributes data to our platform. Currently, our dataset comprises three
               million ethically sourced exclusive sounds, with ongoing expansion. We
               intend to launch a royalty distribution platform to ensure musicians are

               compensated each time their sounds generate revenue for us."

               Central to Mubert's vision is the belief that AI and human creativity are not
               mutually exclusive but complementary forces. Every sound generated by the

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