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2/5/24, 2:52 PM               Company News in Egypt: Workplace Strategies to Promote Early Cancer Detection and Prevention
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          Workplace Strategies to Promote Early Cancer
          Detection and Prevention

           Countries across the globe including the UAE are fostering collaboration between
              the government and the private sector to mitigate the risks of cancer among

          UAE, February 2, 2024: As World Cancer Day is fast approaching, International SOS,

          the world's leading health and security risk services company, emphasises the
          growing importance of early detection and prevention of cancer in corporate health

          strategies. While cancer remains a significant global health burden, proactive
          measures evidently reduce mortality rates. Recent data suggests that at least 40%

          of all cancer cases reported could be prevented through effective primary
          prevention measures.
          Workplace environment and working hours can have a profound influence on the
          physical  and  mental  health  and  wellbeing  of  employees.   Individuals  spend  a
          substantial  portion  of  their  lives  at  work,  some  potentially  exposed  to  risk  factors
          such  as  hazardous  materials,  long  working  hours,  or  cigarette  smoke.  Workplace
          habits can also contribute to physical inactivity and unhealthy eating patterns , both

          known risk factors for cancer. Consequently, the workplace can play a critical role in
          shaping health habits and mitigating cancer risks.

          While genetics are likely to play a part in the rise of cancer cases in young people,
          experts  suggest  that  smoking,  and  obesity  are  key  risk  factors.  Based  on  trends
          over the past three decades, researchers estimate that in 2030, the global number
          of  new  early  onset  cancer  cases  will  rise  by  31%,  while  associated  deaths  will
          increase by 21%. Individuals in their 40s are predicted be the most at risk. 4

          Dr  Kate  O’Reilly,  Medical  Director  at  International  SOS,  said:  “For  many,  the
          fight  against  cancer  often  emphasises  post-diagnosis  care,  management,  or
          treatment after it manifests. World Cancer Day serves as a crucial reminder of the                                            1/3
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