Page 106 - DGHR PR REPORT - MAY 2024
P. 106
5/13/24, 8:55 AM DGHR organises fundamentals of generative Artificial Intelligence training program for employees to enhance professional compet…
DGHR organises fundamentals of
generative Artificial Intelligence training
program for employees to enhance
professional competitiveness
May 10, 2024 6
H.E. Abdullah Ali Bin Zayed Al Falasi, Director General of Dubai Government Human
Resources Department, emphasised the growing importance of generative AI in various
fields, from health, media, education, and more
Program comprised of several courses, divided into two parts – practical and theoretical –
to help members understand better.
The Dubai Government Human Resources Department (DGHR) organised a training program
on the fundamentals of generative artificial intelligence (AI) for its employees. The initiative is
part of DGHR’s efforts to enhance its employees’ capabilities and equip them with the latest
skills, enabling them to explore new horizons in the modern workspace using Fourth Industrial
Revolution technologies and enhance preparedness for the future.
The program allowed the DGHR’s employees to take part in the 01Gov platform, improve their
professional competitiveness by becoming familiar with AI tools, and make further
contributions to the service’s digital transformation. Several courses, split into theoretical and
practical sections, were part of the program to help employees become more adept at utilising
AI and familiarise themselves with the concepts.
His Excellency Abdullah Ali Bin Zayed Al Falasi, Director General of Dubai Government Human
Resources Department, highlighted the importance of training courses and the necessity for
institutions to equip their teams with progressive skillsets, such as improving their proficiency… 1/3