P. 37

Press Release

                  Ministry of Economy reviews the new Consumer Protection Law
                                       and its implementing regulation

             H.E. Al Saleh: The law and its regulation mark a real turning point in government’s
                             efforts to develop the UAE’s consumer protection system

               Abu Dhabi, 11 January 2024:

               The  Ministry  of  Economy  held  a  briefing  session  today,  during  which  it  reviewed  the  main
               developments concerning the legislation and policies for the development of the UAE’s consumer
               protection system. These include Federal Decree Law No. 5 of 2023 amending the Federal Law
               No. 15 of 2020 on consumer protection, and its executive regulation issued by Cabinet Decision
               No. 66 of 2023. The briefing took place in the presence of H.E. Abdullah Al Saleh, Undersecretary
               of the Ministry of Economy.

               H.E. Al Saleh said: "The new Consumer Protection Law and its implementing regulation represent
               a real milestone in the government’s efforts to develop the country's consumer protection system
               in accordance with best practices. It has two dimensions: the first is the strengthening of the role
               of the local authorities in the enforcement of the consumer protection law more effectively by
               granting  them  all  the  necessary  legislative  powers.  They  have  been  granted  inherent  legal
               competencies in: i) receiving, following up and acting on consumer complaints, and ii) imposition
               of administrative sanctions and fines for acts committed in violation of the provisions of the law
               and  its  implementing regulation,  and  iii)  acting  on  grievances  submitted  against  decisions  on
               punitive measures."

               He continued: "The second focus area is the strengthening of deterrent measures to ensure that the
               merchants, either retailers, traders or  producers meet their legal obligations, to re-balance the
               contractual  relationship  between  them  and  the  consumers.  In  this  context,  the  merchants’
               obligations during the sale of a commodity or providing a service have been more elaborated,
               better clarified, and broadened to include nearly 43 obligations. This is in line with the strategic
               objectives of the Ministry to promote consumer rights and welfare in order to establish and ensure
               an enabling and secure environment when purchasing goods or receiving service.”

               H.E. noted that the majority of the merchants obligations under the new law and regulation did not
               exist in previous legislations. This confirms a qualitative shift in legislation supporting consumer
               protection  and  guaranteeing  all  consumer  rights  in  the  country.  It  further  contributes  to  the
               provision  of  service  or  commodity  according  to  the  highest  quality  standards  as  one  of  the
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