P. 38

Press Release

               objectives of the country to improve the quality of life of citizens and residents, and in line with
               the vision of "We the UAE 2031".

               Highlights of the new Consumer Protection Law and its executive regulation

                      •      Establishes an integrated legislative system to protect consumers' rights and provide
                      the highest standards of protection to consumers when purchasing goods, and services from
                      •      For the first time in the country, a list of 46 offences has been introduced, with fines
                      for the violation of some cases going up to AED 1 million, to deter any infringements on
                      consumer rights guaranteed by the law and its implementing regulation.
                      •      Establishes  a  more  balanced  and  equitable  merchant-consumer  relationship  by
                      placing more than 43 commitments on providers and introducing integrated regulatory
                      mechanisms and procedures to enable sound business practices and to enhance consumer
                      satisfaction, happiness and well-being.
                      •      Grants  all  necessary  powers  to  the  relevant  local  authorities  to  enforce  the
                      provisions  of  the  law  and  the  implementing  regulation,  including  the  reception  and
                      resolution  of  consumer  complaints,  imposing  penalties  and  fines  for  violators  and
                      considering grievances.
                      •      Provides consumers with a new complaint mechanism, expedited dispute resolution
                      which avoids him going in every case to the judiciary through solid legal basis and clear
                      procedures for imposing sanctions and fines.
                      •      Supports promotion of good business practices in all the country’s markets, and
                      strengthens oversight mechanisms for the competent local authorities.
                      •      Enhances  transparency  and  improves  consumer  experience  by  providing  better
                      service and greater protection to preserve their rights at various stages of the contractual
                      relationship with the provider, giving it all guarantees it needs when purchasing goods or
                      receiving services.
                      •      Affirms the competence of the local authorities in accepting consumer complaints,
                      specifying cases where the complaint should be examined by the Ministry, via mutual
                      agreement between the Ministry and the competent authority.
                      •      Prohibits the inclusion of any clause that could possibly harms the consumer; and
                      prohibits monopolistic practices since around 14 examples of conditions or provisions that
                      the provider is prohibited from including in contract forms, invoices or other documents in
                      consumer contracting.

               The Undersecretary said: “Thanks to visionary directives of the UAE leadership, today, the country
               boasts a cutting-edge legal framework dedicated to safeguarding consumer rights in line with
               global  best  practices.  This  comes  amidst  consecutive  legislative  advancements  within  our
               consumer protection system.” He referred to the ongoing collaborative efforts between Ministry
               of Economy and its public-private partners to enhance the compliance with national consumer
               protection regulations, promote ethical business conduct, strengthen market oversight, and uphold
               top-notch service and product delivery standards.

                “The Ministry of Economy is currently collaborating with local government entities to develop a
               comprehensive  system  for  efficiently  managing  and  promptly  addressing  complaints.  This
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