Page 109 - 2023 SCCTM Conference Program Book_Neat
P. 109
Friday Session T18 10:05 - 10:30 100B
Using Number Bead Strings in Grades 6 - 8
A number bead string is concrete number line and can be used to represent and visualize various math
concepts including, but not limited to place value, addition/subtraction of integers,
multiplication/division, the distributive property, decimals and percents. In this hand-ons, minds-on
session build and explore the power of number bead strings.
Interest Level: Grades 6 - 8
Christine King
Friday Session T19 10:40 - 11:05 100B
Wondering and Wandering through Interactive Math Centers
Let’s change the stereotype that math is only rules and procedures by connecting with learners in
meaningful ways they enjoy. Maximize students use of Math Practices through interactive experiences in
learning centers. Learning centers offer students opportunities to explore math concepts through the
lens of hands-on activities, cross-curricular connections, children’s literature, technology, and more.
Interest Level: Grades 3 - 8
Bridget Coleman
University of South Carolina Aiken
Angel Davis, Maggie Hamm, Mallory Johnson, & Lesly Colmenares-Perez
University of South Carolina Aiken Preservice Teachers
Friday Session T20 11:10 - 11:35 100B
Wondering and Wandering through Interactive Math Centers
Repeat of Session T19 – Please see the description above.
Bridget Coleman
University of South Carolina Aiken
Lesly Perez & Walker Seymour
Preservice Teachers
University of South Carolina Aiken