Page 93 - 2019 Full SCCTM Conference Program
P. 93
SCCTM Speaker Index by Session Numbers
Sherri Abel, Charleston County Schools, 19, 38 Mary Camp, Lyman Elementary School, 60, 115
Brenna Abrams, Clinton High School, 79 Kandace Cannon, Marlboro High, 3
Amy Adams, Algebra Nation, 168 Angelia Cargill, High Point Academy, 139
Paula Adams, Clemson University, 90, 168 Stephanie Castro, Buena Vista, Greenville County, 41
Erica Aiken, Mauldin Middle School, 160 Ken Collins, Charlotte Latin School, 106
Alvin Allen, Richland School District 1, 11 Jeannette Cox, 99
Liz Alvarez, S 2 TEM, 80 Nichole Criminger, Carolina Springs Middle School, 183
Kenna Alewine, S 2 TEM, 80, 163 Michael T. Crosby, Sr., Charleston County School District, 39
Lori Alvin, Furman University, 24 Caitlin Dabkowski, Sumter School District, 70
Sandra Ammons, SC Department of Education & SCCTM Board, 14 Lisa Daniels, Joseph Keels Elementary, Richland 2, 25, 43
Lisa Archer, Georgetown High School, 177 Casey Davis, Fort Mill School District, 32
Brian Baggs, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 181 Rhonda Davis, The Outstanding Guides, 31, 49
Elizabeth Ball, Cane Bay Elementary School, 89 Dakota DeLuca, Edventure, 154
Stephanie Bainbridge, Box Car and One Eyed Jacks, 50, 140 Terrie Dew, S 2 TEM, 17, 36, 98
Liz Ball, Berkeley County School District, 72 Kaley Douglas, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 52
Matt Barfield, Promethean, 10, 29, 47, 73, 91, 110, 120, 138, 157 Marc Drews, SCCTM President, 1, 112
Taylor Bates, Edventure Program Educator, 81 Madison Dunn, Limestone College Student, 145
Eugene Bellamy, Jr., SCCTM Vice President for Middle Schools, 1 Charlene Duval, Center for Teacher Effectiveness, 18, 135
Dominique Bennett, Richland School District 1, 11 David Ebert, Oregon High School / NCTM Board of Director, 5, 87, 151
Marquita Blaylock South Carolina Department of Education, 13, 76 Jennie Ebert Prairie View Elementary, 152
Laurie Boswell, Big Ideas Learning, 184 Blake Edmunds, USC, 155
Taneka Bouknight, Richland District Two, 43 Dr. Jamelle Ellis, 173
Courtney Brown, Furman University, 24 Ernie Faulkenberry, Promethean, 10, 29, 47, 73, 91, 110, 120, 138, 157
Pam Brice, S 2 TEM, 80, 144, 163 Monica Fite, Sevier Middle School, 105
Dawn Bryant, J.D. Lever Elementary School, 141 Dr. Karen L. Fonkert, Charleston Southern University, 77
Leigh Ann Buckner, Midway Elementary School, Anderson, S.C., 8 Brad Fountain, Discovery Education, 88, 153, 170
Jenna Burdette, Greenville Middle Academy, 26 Jim Franklin, Elm Street Elementary, 123
Stephanie Burdette, Greenville County Schools, 51, 42 , 171 Susan Franklin, Elm Street Elementary, 123
Vanessa Burgos-Kelly, South Carolina Department of Education, 7 Bernard Frost, Spartanburg District 2, 146
James Burnett, ORIGO Education, 82 LaTasha Gantt, Annie Burnside Elementary School, 85
Tora Burton, Buena Vista, Greenville County, 41 Victoria Garrett, USC Upstate Student, 148
Lisa Call, Midlands Education and Business Alliance, 182 Nikki Gilmore, 169
Bridget Coleman, USC Aiken/SCCTM Board, 141 Brittany Goerig, hand2mind, 174
Ken Collins, Charlotte Latin School, 106 Carlos Nicolas Gomez, Clemson University Student, 6, 95
Daniel Cammisa, South Carolina Department of Education, 13, 76 Charley Goode, Lyman Elementary School, 115