Page 217 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 217
Drunkard’s path
LEFT: Drunkard’s Path, Red with Feathered Edge Age unknown. eBay purchase 2012. 69½"x77½" Fabric:
Cotton. Batting: Medium thickness. Backing: Cotton. Edge: A half-inch tape is machined to the front and
caught by hand in back. Piecing: Appears all machine. Quilting: Along the seam lines of squares, 5 stitches
to the inch. Condition: Very good. There is a streak of dust on one white border which would wash out.
There is a black dot that looks like ink in one white border. Comment: There are three borders on all sides,
white-red-white with a 9-patch at the corners, then the edge tape.
Figure 184: Drunkard’s Path, Red with
Feathered Edge