Page 266 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 266
my mom had a
quilt like that
Whig’s Defeat eBay purchase in 2014. 67"x79" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Light weight cotton. Backing: White
cotton muslin. Edge: ¼" white machine-made tape applied by machine. Piecing: Blocks are by machine, and
so are the appliques. Quilting: By hand, 7 stitches/inch. The dark borders are quilted in dark thread in a
diamond-shaped grid, diamonds of about 1" sides. The maroon wedges are quilted in red thread in arcs
and around points inside the seam lines. The green teeth on arcs and in the sashing are quilted in dark
thread. Condition: Excellent. There is slight over all yellowing of the white, of the sort that would wash
out easily with Oxyclean, but the green looks like the old-fashioned color that would be highly likely to
bleed and fade and ruin the quilt. The stability of the maroon is unknown. Comment: A rare pattern and
graphically appealing.
Figure 227: Whig’s Defeat