Page 300 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 300

               my mom had a
               quilt like that

               Traditional Jacob’s Ladder No later than 1940s. Could be much earlier. Purchased at Puyallup, WA antique
               show in 1988. 71"x84" Fabric: Wool and cotton. Batting: Cotton. Backing: Thick gray tweedy soft cotton.
               Edge: Back is brought ½" onto the front and hand stitched. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: In diagonal lines
               2½" apart plus horizontal lines 3" apart, by hand in dark thread, 4 stitches/inch. Condition: Very Good.
               Binding shows wear on the back side. Four moth holes show on the edge have been darned over. Wear
               shows in one grayish cotton patch. Visually excellent. Comment: Although the piecing is the traditional
               Jacob’s Ladder piecing, the layout of colors results in a unique pattern.

                                                                                  Figure 258: Traditional Jacob’s Ladder
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