Page 301 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 301
jacob’s ladder 299
LDS Jacob’s Ladder 1930s. Purchased from an antique store in Florence, OR in the late ’80s. From Utah
where the maker quilted for her church. 69x87 Fabric: Cotton, blues as old as 1890s, most 1930s. Batting:
Light. Backing: Pink cotton same as sashing. Edge: Nile green tape, hand applied ¼" onto each side. Piecing:
Machine. Quilting: By hand in lines diagonally across the quilt, 8-9 stitches per inch, line 1½" apart. Every
fourth line is a set of two lines ¼" apart. Condition: Very good to excellent. Comment: Like new and excel-
lent except that some age spots have developed. On the front, two are ½" and one is 2". The larger one has
been somewhat faded out with "Shout" enzyme cleaning product.
Figure 259: LDS Jacob’s Ladder