Page 302 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 302

               my mom had a
               quilt like that

               Road to Arkansas 1956 or later. eBay purchase 2015. The seller said the pattern appeared in the June 6, 1956
               issue of the Weekly Star Farmer Magazine and was designed by Maxine Loosey of Old Joe, Arkansas.
               72"x91" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Medium weight cotton. Backing: Feed sacks, once probably dyed at home to
               uniform blue, now fading to tan along fold lines. In one area, pieces of backing have been seamed on the
               outside and the holes of former chain stitching of the sack are visible. Edge: The front is turned to the back
               ½" and stitched by hand. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By hand in diagonal lines 3" apart, 3 long stitches
               to the inch. Condition: Good. The back has fading and a few snags in the feed sack material. Front is fine.
               Comment: Chosen for its strong graphics.
                                                                                  Figure 260: Road to Arkansas
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