Page 356 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 356

               my mom had a
               quilt like that

               Amish Crib Quilt with Center Squares Pre 1940. eBay purchase 2017. 33"x43" Fabric: Cotton; feels like cham-
               bray. Batting: Thin, light, soft. Backing: Dark brown cotton. Edge: Back is brought to the front by hand.
               Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By and through squares on the diagonal 7 stitches per inch; two-strand
               braid in the blue border and 4-strand braid in the brown border. Condition: Very good. Comment: From the
               irregular pattern, appears to be made for use, not tourist trade.

                                                                                  Figure 312: Amish Crib Quilt with
                                                                                  Center Squares
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