Page 352 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 352
my mom had a
quilt like that
Feathered Four Patch Possibly as late as 1960s guessing from the red floral print and two patches with
Toulouse Lautrec prints. eBay purchase 2013. 62"x82" Fabric: Cotton, a true scrap quilt collection. Batting:
Medium thick, heavy so it’s likely cotton. Backing: Cotton muslin, pale green. Edge: The back is brought to
the front 1" and stitched by hand. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: In clamshells, three stitches to the inch in
lines 2" apart. Condition: Very good. Comment: African-American design aesthetic. For African-American
examples of this style, see Bold Improvisation, by Scott Heffley (2007) and The Quilts of Gee’s Bend (2002).
Figure 308: Feathered Four Patch