Page 362 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 362
my mom had a
quilt like that
Sampler 1930s from Missouri. Antique mall purchase from Centralia, WA 1995. 72"x85" Fabric: Cotton.
Batting: Thin cotton. Backing: Cotton, striped pink and white. Edge: Home-made tape machined to front
and hand caught on back. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By hand, 8 stitches to the inch, in "Clamshell" or
"Baptist fan" arches pattern, with lines radiating like a fin in the center of the arches. Condition: Very good.
There are some brown spots on the back. A white patch on the front has yellowed. I see one small brown
freckle on the front. Although the quilt has been washed, it has not been washed frequently so colors are
unfaded. Comment: Contains about 43 different patterns. Samplers with a good variety of blocks with
colors distributed well across the whole quilt seem very popular.
Figure 317: Sampler