Page 367 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 367


               LEFT: African-American Housetop No older than 1960s. eBay purchase in 2014. Vendor had purchased in
               the south side of Chicago from an African-American woman who said that it had belonged to her mother-
               in-law. 60"x86" Fabric: Polyesters and manufactured braid. The lavender stripe has silver metallic thread.
               Batting: None. Backing: Cotton flannel with a very pale blue cast. Edge: The back is brought to the front ½"
               and machine stitched. Piecing: By machine in zig-zag top stitching. Quilting: Tied, with small knots on top.
               Condition: Very good. This is a superb example of the traditional house top pattern.
                                                                                  Figure 321: African-American Housetop
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