Page 368 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 368
my mom had a
quilt like that
Side 1: African-American Housetop No earlier than 1950s. eBay purchase 2009-2011. 62½"x72" Fabric: Both
sides, cotton prints, flannel, coarse like twill. Batting: Not discernible. Backing: Two tops. Edge: Green
tape 1" onto each side, caught by hand on the simpler side. Piecing: Machine. Quilting: Tied with white
floss. Condition: Very good. The blue on the simpler side shows two coin-sized faded (not bleached) spots.
Comment: Although this looks African-American, it doesn’t scream that point. Other side is Fig. 323, Page
Figure 322: Side 1: African-American